Chapter Twenty-One

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'Oh my God, Emma, are you okay?' I feel a hand clamp down on my shoulder as I stare at the large wooden door that had just slammed shut in my face, the threat of tears already fighting to escape as I watch the security men move away, laughing and muttering something derogatory in French.

I was stunned. Jamie had left me here... He knew I was calling him, I was only feet away begging him to turn around and he just left. He blames me... He must do otherwise he would have stopped, turned around, he would have acknowledged me at least but he didn't and it's all my fault.

What did I do that for?!

I shouldn't have bit, I shouldn't have approached Finn but I was just too angry with him and now look what's happened. Jamie has been hurt and he blames me.

'Emma? Hey Emma?' The distressed voice beside me calls out again and I turn my head slowly to find Jess peering at me with concern, glancing fleetingly over her shoulder at Steph who had a face on her like thunder. 'I can't believe that just happened. I was so worried about you. Please let me call Tom?'

'No, he's with Chloe,' I mutter meekly, searching around for my jacket that had gotten lost in the debacle. I needed to leave soon if I was going to be able to catch up with him. I had to apologise. 'Have you seen my coat? It's dark purple with a pattern on the- you know what, it doesn't matter, I'll go without.'

'I'd rather you stay here,' Jess sidesteps in front of the exit, ignoring a scoff of displeasure from behind her as she blocks my way. 'Or at least let us walk you home. Steph, we're leaving, come on,' she indicates for her to follow but Steph folds her arms and remains rooted to the spot.

'I'm not wasting a perfectly good evening because lover boy wants to act the big man and throw some punches. I've paid good money to come here and I want to enjoy myself. I'm sure Emma can find her own way home...right?' She turns to me with a false smile on her face and I swallow the anger that had just flared up at her lack of sincerity. I had bigger things to be worrying about right now.

'It's fine, honestly, but I've got to go. Thank you though,' I yell over my shoulder to Jess as I hitch the strap of my bag across my body and march over to the exit, throwing the same door open that Jamie had left through only a few moments ago and gasp at the weather that greeted me on the other side.

It was horrendous. Big swirling thunderous clouds had taken over the sky and the snow that had been falling so lightly when Jamie and I were walking here was now billowing down in torrents, making the path home indistinguishable, disguised beneath a blanket of white.

I couldn't see more than a few feet in front of me and I throw my hands up to my eyes to protect them, searching the ground for Jamie's footsteps but knowing the likelihood of finding a trail was futile. I was hesitant to leave and I was just about to turn around and ask Jess if she could walk me home when I find her locked in a heated argument with Steph a short distance away. Jess was gesturing wildly, her hands splayed in my direction and I could see Steph getting angry with her in return and I realised I'd caused this too, two friends rowing over a girl they barely knew so I let the door close behind me and take my first steps up the hill, walking slowly so I didn't crash into any obstacles along the way.

It was a long lonely walk back to the chalet and I focus on putting one foot in front of the other, keeping my head bent to protect myself from the cold as I get pummelled from every direction. The wind is bitter, whipping at my bare arms which were wrapped around myself in an attempt to keep warm but the thought of getting to Jamie kept me going. On and on I went, passing chalet after chalet filled with music and laughter, the occupants inside obviously having decided to stay in and enjoy their friend's company rather than battle the elements as I was currently doing and I look in on them enviously.

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