Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I awake to the rising sun streaking its first rays of golden light through the blinds of my window, the silence of the morning drawing my attention to another presence breathing deeply beside me. Turning to face him I lay back against my pillow and stare in awe at the beauty of Jamie's face as he sleeps, his face lit gently by the sun. Not one single feature stood out above another. Everything was exceptional, from his chiselled cheekbones, his extraordinarily long eyelashes to his perfect cupid bow lips. All of them blending together to create the most exquisite human being to ever grace this planet.

I long to reach out and touch him, desperate to prove to myself that he was real and not just some delectable fantasy I'd concocted in the night...though how anyone could have the imagination to concoct something so glorious, I don't know.

One night. That was all it took with Jamie to know that I was wasted for all other men, that I only wanted to be with him for the rest of my days and after last night I'm certain he feels the same way, whispering it in my ear as we fell asleep in each other's arms.

'You staring at me M&M?' Jamie mumbles despite his eyes still being closed and I jump back in alarm.


He smiles sleepily as he pulls me across the bed and back into his embrace, nuzzling into me and planting sweet kisses along my neck. I shiver in delight and lay my head on his chest, listening to the steady drum of his heartbeat as his hand makes soft strokes up and down my bare back.

I want to stay in this room with him for the rest of time, in a blissful state of intimacy, pretending like the outside world didn't exist behind these four walls. We could grow old here, just the two of us, bring up a family of curly-haired, freckle-faced children who were all wildly more skilled than their mother was on the snowy slopes. But regretfully I knew this morning needed to end, and fast. I need Jamie to get out of this room and sharpish before Tom came snooping and caught the two of us in bed together, stark naked. Sadly I don't think Jamie's life would be spared and I've become a little bit attached to him this holiday, in more ways than one.


'Mmm,' he mumbles seductively against my neck and I have to force myself to remain calm and not throw myself on him like some sex-crazed super fan.

'You really need to leave before my brother finds out you're here.'

'I was actually hoping for a replay of last night...' He continues his provocative exploration and nibbles me gently on my ear lobe.

Hmm...that does sound tempting...

No! Seriously Emma, you hussy. Have some control!

'You really want my brother to walk in on us in bed together? He will end you!' I force myself to stay strong and grab his face between my hands so I can try and get some sense into him. The boy was too distracted and he needed to understand the severity of this situation. I'd actually take launching myself out of this bedroom window rather than get caught by Tom.

'He won't care!'

'He won't care?!' I scoff and push away from him, staring incredulously into his eyes. 'You're his best friend and you just slept with his sister! He's going to kill you.'

'But I don't want to leave yet!'

'Well, you're going to have to, now scram!'

'You scram!'

'Jamie, you're being insufferable...!'

And then a dawning realisation hits me and I peer at him awkwardly, wondering what the likelihood of Jamie complying with my next request would be. My clothes are strewn across the entirety of the room and to get them Jamie would have to see me in the nude and in the cold light of day that made me feel incredibly uncomfortable. He grins at me as he heaves himself up the bed, leans back against the headboard and places his arms behind his head, a smugness palpable on his face. He was clearly aware of my conflicted thoughts.

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