Chapter Eighteen

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I wake with a start, realising with irritation that I'd allowed myself to fall back to sleep. God knows what the time is now. I bet Jamie's woken and left already. Well if he has then that's my own dumb fault. I'll just have to wait until he's back to speak to him whether Tom is around or not because I cannot go another second without knowing what's on his mind. I've thought it through and Jamie was definitely making moves on me last night, I'm sure of it. Why else would he follow me into my room and hold me close to him like that?!

It's decided. I'll just ask him quietly if I could have a word with him on the balcony and see what he has to say...finally get some answers so I can stop obsessing over it all.

I lean over and reach for my phone, seeing that it was nearing midday already. An hour I'd been asleep and for what? I don't feel any more rested and I've probably ended up missing the best opportunity I'd had to spend some quality time with Jamie.

Oh well, there's not much I can do about it now. I might as well get dressed and have some breakfast, wait for him to come home.

I throw open the chest of drawers at the end of my bed, rifling through until I find something comfy yet pretty to wear and land upon my navy romper suit and polka-dot long sleeved t-shirt and start shrugging them on. If I was going to have an important chat with Jay today, I sure as hell was going to look nice whilst doing it.

With a final spray of my favourite perfume, I heave open the door and sidle through to the kitchen to grab some breakfast, craning my ear against Jay's door as I pass but hearing nothing on the other side.

What should I do to entertain myself for the day?

I definitely don't fancy hitting the slopes on my own. I was too frightened without Tom there and quite frankly, I was in too much pain. I guess I could always cuddle up with a good book for a few hours. Time always flies when you're reading a good book.

'Good afternoon!' A voice calls from behind me and I jump into the air, spilling milk onto the counter as I clutch at my heart in fright. I turn my head to see Jamie lounging on the sofa, flicking through the channels on the tv, looking very much like he'd just woken up himself.

'Christ, Jay. Did you have to scare me like that?!' I remark as I mop up my spillage and join him in the lounge, noting that both the chairs were still piled high with last night's takeaway boxes so I sit next to him instead, tucking my legs beneath me so they didn't brush against his.

Play it cool Emma, see what he has to say first.

'I thought you'd be out,' I say cooly as I start tucking into my cornflakes.

'Nah, I thought I'd see what you were up to. Thought maybe we could hang out. Unless you're meeting that Irish guy again.'

'I was planning on having a lazy day but you're more than welcome to join me. There's no way I'm leaving this room today. I'm in pain! Why did no one warn me how much snowboarding hurts? I fell so much yesterday that I actually have bruises on bruises!'

'Maybe you just need a better teacher...' I look at him and catch a small smirk resting on his face.

'Oh yeah? And where am I going to find one who doesn't charge a hundred euros an hour?!'

'You can come out with me, just the two of us. I wouldn't mind teaching you a thing or two...'

I pause with my spoon halfway to my lips and wonder if he meant that to sound as suggestive as it did.

'Besides,' Jamie carries on, unbeknown to the x-rated thoughts suddenly racing through my mind. 'Tom will be engrossed in his girlfriend from now on and I'll be bored on my own!'

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