Chapter Twenty-Four

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Jay isn't back yet. I know that because I've been listening out for him ever since I'd skulked off to my room. I'm pretty sure I've lapped it about a hundred times already waiting for him, every little noise making my heart drop to my stomach. But it's all okay because this time I'm ready for him. I refuse to let him get away from me again.

I'm staring out of the window beside my bed, drumming absentmindedly on the sill when a knock on my door sends me flying into the air and I dive across the bed, pausing briefly to check myself out in the full-length mirror before throwing it open.

After listening to Sam earlier, I'd expected to find Jamie waiting for me on the other side so when I see Tom staring back at me it was hard to cover my disappointment.

'What's wrong with you?' He asks, matching my frown with one of his own.

'Oh, nothing, sorry. You'd, er...just woken me up that's all.'

'Ah, sorry about that. Just thought I'd check on you before I turned in for the night. Are you feeling better? After today I mean.' He's looking at me as if waiting for me to bite his head off again, his eyes flickering down the corridor, probably planning his escape if I do.

'Yeah I'm fine. Look, I want to apologise about earlier. I think I just scared myself-'

'You were scared?!! I thought you were lost forever. Do you know what mum would have done if I'd come home without you?!' Tom shudders and I laugh despite feeling apprehensive. 'I can't even bear the thought of it.'

'You'd have had a hard time sitting down for several days that's for sure.'

'I'd get more than a whack across the arse. She'd have killed me!' He grins again and I try to smile back at him but it doesn't quite meet my eyes. At the mention of mum I couldn't help but feel completely homesick. 'Have you enjoyed yourself so far? Be honest. I know you've had a hard time with that guy and if Jay hadn't got there first I think I'd have enjoyed giving him a black eye myself!'

'What Finn?' I reply in surprise. Other than the fact he'd been the route of most of my problems I'd barely given him a seconds thought since last night. 'I don't care about him!'

'Well good, because I didn't like him anyway.'

'You don't like anyone!'

'That's true. I think you should just stay single for the rest of your life.'

'At this rate I will be.'

'Nah. You'll be fine...'

Tom stares down at his feet and I use this time to examine him. I don't know when it happened, maybe it was when he moved out or maybe when he met Chloe but he seems to have matured and it suited him. Well, it had to happen at some point, didn't it?!

' long as you're okay I'll leave you to go back to bed.'

'Sure. Night...'

'Night sis.'

Tom leaves and I watch him walk away, the sound of his door clicking shut moments later as he joins Chloe.

I don't know how long I stand there for, leaning morosely against the door frame, contemplating what I was going to say to Jamie when he finally does come home. It couldn't have been longer than a few minutes but the sound of the front door opening pulls me back and I begin marching towards the source of the noise. However, when I hear two sets of voices I freeze.

Jamie was there. I can hear him clearly, making muted conversation with his companion but I couldn't make out who was with him.

I inch my way forward, pausing when I reach the turning into the living room, knowing fully well that what I was doing was wrong but I just had to know if my assumptions were correct. Because right now I am convinced that it was Steph standing in my chalet and I wanted to know why.

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