Chapter Thirteen

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The early morning sun shines in through the window and I slowly open my eyes, blinking uncomfortably as the bright light floods them. I try to move but a weight is holding me in place and I look down to see that Jamie's arm was still slung across my waist. We must have slept like this all night and I have to fight to contain the smile forcing its way onto my face.

I shift my head slowly towards him and find him sleeping peacefully next to me, his long eyelashes resting on his suntanned cheek, the hint of stubble growing through after a day on the road. God, I've missed this boy, I think as I stare at his face, examining every freckle and every groove, trying to cement every little detail to memory in case we don't see each other again and I have to go back to dreaming of him only.

Now I know how this sounds. I'm aware that it seems like I've forgotten about Nathan already but I haven't. I was in a serious, long-term relationship with him for many years and yes I loved him, and no I didn't spend all my time wistfully dreaming about Jamie whilst we were together. I was happy...well, most of the time and Nathan was my focus. But Jay was always there, in the background of my thoughts and when things got a bit crappy I longed to ring him up so I could talk to him because I know he would have listened despite hating him as much as Tom did. He was my friend for so long and then he went away and the gaping hole it left in my life was quite consuming. The day he flew to Indonesia I'd been inconsolable, locking myself in my room and crying myself to sleep. I'd refused to let Nathan in and when mum tried to question me about the root of my grief I'd lied and said I'd had a bad day at work. She hadn't believed me but didn't push for the truth.

I could stare at Jamie's face all day but as much as I wanted to, I really need to get out from under him before Tom wakes up. I don't think he'll take too kindly to finding his best friend cuddled up with his sister.

He wakes the second I touch his arm, snapping it back and leaving a cold abandonment where it lay, shuffling away from me as much as he could in the confined space and I fight the urge to grab his arm and wrap it around me once more.

Coughing awkwardly and glancing back at Tom still snoring loudly behind him, Jamie whispers, 'So...did you sleep well?' His friendly tone seeming forced.

'I slept great and I didn't get eaten by a bear in the night so that's all good.' Trying to make light of the uncomfortable situation.

'Do they even have wild bears in France?'

'...Maybe, I don't know. So, about you? Did you sleep okay?'

'I did. I think that's one of the best nights I've had in a while actually.' My eyes widen in shock and he must have noticed because he quickly adds, 'It's being back in this van, you know. It's like home to me.'

I release my breath. Of course it's because he's back in his van, you silly girl. What did you think he was insinuating?!

Tom gives an almighty snore and we both chuckle, easing the awkward tension that was flitting between us.

'That boy can sleep through anything. Pretty sure we could roll straight off a cliff and he'd still sleep through it.'

Laughing quietly I sit up and fix Jamie's hat on my head, earning a smile from him as he stretches his arms above his head.

'Do you reckon you'll be able to get the van fixed today?'

'I hope so otherwise we'll be staying here for the week. I'm joking!' He says quickly when he sees my panic-stricken face. 'It'll be easier to diagnose the problem when I can actually tell the difference between the engine and the windscreen washer tank. It was too dark to do anything last night.'

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