Class Time

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  I'm sitting next to Beck in my normal seat. It's Sikowitz's class as usual today with him starting some stupid exercise that I definitely didn't want to be a part of. I just couldn't focus as well as I usually can. I kept staring at her. The way her hair bounces when she laughs, the way she lights up the room. She's beautiful and I can't keep myself from staring.

"Jade. Jade!" Sikowitz calls.

"What." I say in a bored voice.

"We will be playing bus stop. In this game one of you will be waiting at a bus stop. Then the next person I call will come and sit down next to you. They will be able to do whatever they can to get you off your seat. Now who do I want first? Hmmmm." He wiggles his fingers and looks around the room. "Tori, how bout you sit up here first!"

"O-okay." and I watch her walk up to the little stage and sit on a chair. I notice how she lightly bounces her right leg after she sits down. What is wrong with you Jade. Why are you thinking these things?

Sikowitz looks around the room again. "Ahh, Jade!" He points at me.

I grunt and try to walk up as reluctantly as I can. When I sit down I glance over at Tori who seems to be holding her breath. Then she lets it out, her lips part. God those lips. Stop it Jade! I give myself a mental slap in the face.

"Ready, GO!" Sikowitz says.

I slump in my seat and start wheezing and coughing like I'm sick. I keel over in her direction about to fake throw up.

"Ummm. Ma'am are you okay?"

"No." cough. Wheeze.

She starts shifting, clearly uncomfortable. She gets up and leaves, going back to her chair. When she sits back down in her seat in the front row I smirk at her and I see a light blush on those high cheekbones. Those cheekbones. Next Andre comes up and it keeps going till we have all gone. I stay the longest because not a lot makes me uncomfortable, though I do hate a lot of things. The tri-tone bell is about to ring. We all get up and stand near the door waiting. Beck is behind me and Tori is next to me. The bell finally goes off and we all make our way out to our lockers, then to our next classes.

    I have advanced play writing and I have a feeling it's going to be a loooong class. I open the door and walk to my seat in the back. No one looks at me, good. All I can think about is Tori. I just can't get her out of my head! Today I guess we are just writing, so I take out a piece of paper and start writing what comes to my mind.

Class is nearly over and I look over what I've written. Everything is about Tori or involves her in some way. I immediately fold it up and shove it in my bag. I stay calm on the outside, waiting for the class to end. The bell goes off and I make my way to the bathroom, and as soon as I enter I let out a deep breath I didn't even know I was holding in. I stare at myself in the mirror, trying to collect my thoughts.

God what's wrong with me?

I swiftly turn my head in the direction of the opening bathroom door. Tori appears, slightly blushing when our eyes meet, nodding her head at me in greeting and rushing into the nearest stall.


God Jade, focus. I wash my hands and leave the bathroom, heart pounding. Why does she blush every time I look at her? Two more classes then lunch. I mentally slap myself again and head to my classes.

The classes surprisingly go by fast. I try to keep my mind blank, but she finds a way of popping in now and then. Now I head out of my normal classes of Math and English. Finally.

I head down the hallway to my scissor covered locker. I looked around and opened it. I grabbed my lunch to head out and a little note fluttered down to the floor. Again I looked around and bent over to pick it up. I open it up.

" Meet me in the closet at the beginning of lunch. "

  Ummmm. OK. That just happened.

 I look around to see if I can spot anyone suspicious, but I don't. Fine, I guess I kinda have to go then. I slam my locker shut and walk down the hall towards the closet. I walk by Tori's locker and don't see her. Maybe she's at lunch with the others. I get to the closet, open the door and no one's here yet. Despite my character I decide to wait, tapping my foot and giving the door a death stare. My patience is slowly running thin as time passes, and I'm about to leave when someone suddenly opens the door.


  I know this chapter is kind of short. It is only the beginning. ;-)

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