Favourite Foods

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Be it that Barnacles is a polar bear, he has surprisingly always been a vegetarian. He hates the thought of eating other animals. His favourite food would be Tunip's fish biscuits dunked in some mocha. He tries to maintain a healthy diet but c'mon, what can you do when you see a mouth-watering kelp cake flavoured creamed donut on your plate?? 


While working, Shellington always makes sure to bring a couple, no, a dozen, kelp cakes into his room. He can get a little grumpy if he misses an important meal of the day. Shellington prefers savoury to sweet and gets headaches if he has too much sugar and an upset stomach if he eats spicy food. The only exceptions for sugary foods would be chocolate chip cookies and Oreos. As he is of course a scientist, he loves to experiment with his food and when I say experiment, I mean completely scrap the cookbook and create something 'new and improved'. He always offers to cook for the night but the rest of the crew insists that he doesn't.


Kwazii can get pretty weird with his food. He likes mixing things up and trying something new like Shellington, but unlike him, his food ends up tasting surprisingly good. His favourite dish would be fried kelp and apple fritters and his favourite recipe to make would be pirate stew. In the kitchen, he can get pretty territorial and hates it when someone tells him how to cook. Everyone can agree it's worth it in the end. 


I'm sure you can guess Tweak's favourite food. Carrot cake, carrot dip, custard carrots, baby carrots, you name it. While drawing on a blueprint or tinkering on the gups, you'll see her munching away on a carrot. Other than carrots, the main thing keeping her moving is her daily coffee. Tweak doesn't eat many sugary foods but it won't be surprising to occasionally see her slurping on a can of bubble tea or coke. If Tweak's up really late she'd succumb to the irresistible urge of eating from a whole tub of mint ice-cream.


Dashi is a straight up sweet tooth. Food that is sugary and pink will always have a thumbs up in her books. She likes to try new things all the time and finds eating food from different cultures both tasty and a good learning experience. Even though she is busy around the octopod throughout the day, she makes sure to take her hourly stroll to the kitchen to see what Tunip has left on the counter. Her favourite food would be pork buns and mochi.


Peso loves a good ice-tea and fruit salad during work. Not a huge burst of sweetness yet not boring and tasteless either. He doesn't mind having warm foods but he prefers his food chilled. Foods/drinks like ice-cream, ice Kacang and smoothies are at the top of his list. He makes sure to pick his food based on nutritional values and makes sure that the rest of the crew is eating healthy <333  His all time favourite though would be snow cones to peck on. 😋


Inkling is a traditionalist and prefers foods that aren't too flourished. He likes a good morning mixed greens salad and pancakes. He is not the regular sweet tooth and is deemed 'stubborn with new tastes' according to the rest of the crew. On the other hand, (and quite ironically), Inkling has a wide liking for different types of teas. Green tea, black tea, you name it, he is sure to have tried it at least once.

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