Tweak has Nothing to do (One-shot)

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Tweak: *sighs while lying on her bed*

Tweak: . . . .

Tweak: *Sighs, gets up and goes to Shellington's lab*

Shellington: *is looking through his microscope*

Tweak: Hiya

Shellington: Woah!

Shellington: Oh, It's only you Tweak . . . haha, you startled me.

Tweak: Sorry Shell, I was just wondering if you um . . .

Tweak: . . . crashed any gups?

Shellington: Wh- hu- Crashed any gups? No? Not unless I did some sleepwalking last night . . .

Shellington: Why, what happened?

Tweak: Nothing, that's the problem! It's just . . . I kinda don't have anything to do lately and I was hoping you had something I needed to fix.

Shellington: Oh that's no good, well if you're bored, would you like to come with me to research some fresh samples of algae? I've run out and I need to grab some more!

Tweak: Um, okay, whaddya you need me to do?

Shellington: Hold this *chucks a glass cylinder to tweak who fumbles to catch it and runs off to grab a few things*

Tweak: Woah! Okay . . . . ?

Shellington: Can you hold these ph papers as well?

Shellington: And this . . . and this . . . oh can't forget this!

Tweak: *is bombarded with science equipment*

Tweak: . . . .

Tweak: Yeah you know what

Tweak: *drops all of his equipment onto the floor*

Tweak: I don't think I'm really cut out for this . . .

Shellington: Nonsense!! You'll be fine! Plus, it is imperative that we measure the hydrogen ion concentration, or pH, of diverse strains of macroalgae so we can incorporate it into our repository!!

Tweak: . . . .

Tweak: What

Shellington: OH PLEASE TWEAK!

Tweak: Yeah I gotta go.

Shellington: Wait no come back!!

Shellington: Tweak?

Shellington: :(

In the HQ

Tweak: *long sigh*

Dashi: *tapping away at the octopod controls*

. . . .

Tweak: *an even longer sigh*

Dashi: . . . .


Dashi: *unamused* Okay what's wrong?

Tweak: All of the gups are up to date, I did a check for any structural damage on the octopod, which there was none, and the coffee machine is working GREAT!

Dashi: Oh that's amazing!

Dashi: Then why are you sad?

Tweak: *bawls eyes out* WHY DO YOU THINK, DASHI?! I HAVE NOTHING TO DO!

Dashi: Hm, why don't you go help out Shellington? I hear he was going to grab some algae samples?

Tweak: Tried that . . . didn't work.

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