Spanish Panic (One-shot)

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Hey guys! Here's an idea by: g462rw9skgprivaterel

What if Peso spoke Spanish for a day? (Personally, I watch the UK version where Peso doesn't sound Spanish but I have watched the American one too) Peso is peso and we love him either way <33333

{Also FYI I don't speak Spanish so don't be too mad if I get the Spanish completely wrong XDDDD (all hail google translate!)}

During dinner

Shellington: Could you pass me the salt, Tweak?

Tweak: Here ya go, Shell

Shellington: Thanks!

Dashi: Vegimals, dinner is great as always! Would you like me to make breakfast for you as a treat?

Vegimals: Cheepa Dashi! *chirps*

Shellington: They said 'Thanks Dashi, You're the best'

Shellington: Heyyy I thought I was the best >:)

Tunip: *giggles* Cheepa Shellydo!

Kwazii: C'mon Peso. DO IT!

Peso: *turns red*

Barnacle: Do what, Peso?

Peso: Kwazii me está haciendo hablar español por un día


Everyone:  . . . 

Tweak: Right. Did you understand what he said? Did anyone understand what he said?

Peso: mi vida es triste

Kwazii: I won a bet against Peso and so the winner has to choose a dare . . . 

Inkling: Did you dare him to speak Spanish for the rest of the day?


Peso: alguien me puede dar un poco mas de agua?

Barnacles: We don't know what you're saying Peso!

Peso: *bangs his head on the table*

Peso: *points at himself* Yo

Tweak: Did he say you?

Peso: Nonono! YO, YO! *points at himself*

Shellington: Yo-yo? Peso, we broke our old yo-yo remember?

Peso: *groans*

Peso: *vigorously points at himself*

Tweak: Okay me . . .?

Peso: Si! Si! YO!

Dashi: Oh . . . you?

Peso: *shakes head* 

Peso: *points at water* Agua

Dashi: Oh you . . .  want water?

Peso: SI! 

Tweak: Ohhhh! well you could've just walked up and gotten it . . . but okay <:)


After dinner

Kwazii: I bet Tunip's made dessert! I know he always says he's saving them for a special occasion aka for tomorrow's day trip, but I know for a FACT that He's hiding some fish biscuit Ice-cream in the fridge.

*opens fridge*

Kwazii: *drools*

Kwazii: It's all mine >:)

*Peso walks in*

Peso: *gasp*

Peso: No se te permite desierto!!

Kwazii: Oh hush, It's not like you can tell on me, they can barely understand a word you say anyway XDD

Peso: te odio tanto . . . 

Kwazii: Are you mad because I won the bet?

Peso: ¡es tan injusto! ¿Por qué siempre me intimidas? 

Kwazii: Let it go, you do realise I would've given you a worse dare but because you're Peso, I went easy on you. *eats a scoop of ice-cream*

Peso: *rolls eyes and stamps away*

Kwazii: Where do you think you're going?

Peso: me voy lejos de ti

in the HQ

Barnacles: Alright everyone, it's getting really late, we should all go to bed-

*peso rushes in*

Peso: ¡Tipo! Kwazii se está comiendo todo el postre de la nevera.

Tweak: esta comiwhaty what?

Peso: *face palms*

Peso: Kwazii

Dashi: Okay, Kwazii-

Peso: Comer

Dashi: Come? Come where?


Barnacles: Peso, calm down, where do you want us to go?

Peso: *mimics eating food* Comer

Shellington: I think Comer means eat?

Peso: SI, SI!!

Peso: Kwazii

Peso: Comer

Peso: postre

Dashi: Kwazii. Eat. Posture.

Dashi: I'd love to see the day Kwazii's eats a noun XD

Peso: *pretends to eat food*

Peso: *pretends to like the food*

Shellington: Is it food? It tastes good so maybe . . . dessert?

Peso: Si!

Dashi: Kwazii. Eat. Dessert?


Barnacles: Oh god, here we go again. Why do these things happen every week? :(

*rushes to the kitchen*

Tweak: PAWS IN THE AIR! *holds out her carrot like a gun*

Kwazii: *drops box of ice-cream* IT WASN'T ME!

Peso: *smug look on his face*

Kwazii: -_-

Kwazii: Fine you got me.

Kwazii: How did you find out . . ? 👉👈😐

Dashi: Peso tried his best XD

Tweak: Guys it's 12am. Meaning Peso can legally speak English

Peso: Thank goodness for that. You guys are TERRIBLE at translating 🥲

Barnacles: Kwazii. Don't do that again.

Kwazii: I know, It's just Tunip's ice-cream is just SO GOOD!

Barnacles: No I mean make Peso speak Spanish, As much as we love to hear him speak his language, we'd also like to understand him. Understand?

Kwazii: Aye Captain :/

Peso: *sticks tongue out* >:)

Everyone: *Laughs*

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