Meeting Squirt (One-shot)

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Hi sorry this chapter is late! I'll be getting slightly busy over these last two weeks of school, but then I have holidays! Woohoo! :DDDD

This is another request by thethirdweasleytwin

Not sure if you remember, but hopefully you all know Squirt (Inkling's nephew) He's a super sweet dumbo octopus and I totally agree with you that he needs more screen time XD

Anyway, hope you enjoy!

In the Launch Bay in Tweak's room

Inkling: *whistling a tune*

Peso: Hi professor! You're in a good mood today?

Inkling: Salutations and a very good morning to you Peso! *chuckles*

Inkling: Yes, I am in quite a good mood today because we have a visitor coming to the octopod today!

Kwazii: Who is it? No lemme guess- The pizza delivery guy?!

Paani: The ice-cream man?!

Kwazii: The pizza delivery guy AND the ice-cream man?!

Barnacles: No, but it's someone very special to Inkling

Shellington: Look I understand you cherish family bonds Inkling, but I just don't see how the Giant Squid could possibly fit inside the octopod-

Ryla: The giant squid?

Tweak: Inkling's related to him

Ryla: Ah I see.

Inkling: *chuckles* It's not the Giant Squid, Shellington.

Kwazii: Is it that one guy who's freakishly old and wrinkly and is addicted to eating beans on toast?

Dashi: Who?

Kwazii: Oh wait nevermind . . . I was thinking about Inkling >:)

Inkling: . . . .

Inkling: If I weren't in such a good mood today, I would be very mad about that comment-

Inklings: Besides, we all know that I'm very learned and at the good old age of thirty two!

Min: Thirty-two?! He's thirty-two?!

Natquik: He's not. Last time he said he was thirty-five -_-

Inkling: Anywho! It's Squirt! Squirt is coming over this afternoon! I cannot wait for him to meet you all! I haven't seen him in months and I assume he has lots to talk about!

Ryla: Squirt?

Tweak: Inkling's also related to him.

Ryla: Ahh

Inkling: Why he's my nephew! He's slightly younger than you kids but you'd all make terrific friends!

Koshi: Really? What's he like?

Inkling: He's a quiet kid but once you get to know him, he can be the life of the party.

Koshi: Huh, sounds oddly like me!

Tweak: Ohoho yes, I can see the friendship blossoming now: You two, sitting under a cherry blossom tree eating tea and cakes while bonding over some nerdy thing you read in a book.

Koshi: I-

Koshi: Okay back up, pull on the brakes there- I haven't even MET him.

Tweak: No but I have ✨I N T U I T I O N✨

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