Rain, Restaurants, Manners and Maggots (One-shot)

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When the Octonauts and Octo-agents go out for a normal dinner at a restaurant in Australia but chaos ensues.

Kwazii: Hey Tweak, do you dare me to order one of the weirdest looking things on the menu and eat it in one go?

Tweak: You're an IDIOT!

Tweak: . . . .

Tweak: And a coward, order ALL of them >:)

Kwazii: *snorts*

Tweak: *Chuckles*

Kwazii and Tweak: *bursts into laughter like a bunch of howler monkeys*

Barnacles: Guys? I'm sorry, but I think we're starting to forget what table manners are. Both of you, stop laughing like idiots and Shellington, what are you doing to that napkin?!

Shellington: It's an origami sea snake :D *holds up the terrible napkin origami*

Barnacles: *judges silently and shakes head*

Dashi: Where is everyone else? They're half an hour late . . . :(

Peso: I'm sure they'll show up!

*Paani bursts through the restaurant doors all soaking wet*

Everyone: . . .

Peso: Well would you look at that!

Paani: WE'RE HERE! *bumps into a waiter and spills water* Oops, sorry . . .

Min: *gasping for air and dripping all over the clean restaurant carpet*

Min: Apologies for our tardiness! *inhales* It began to hail, on the way here, we ran out of petrol and then for SOME reason Natquik started a road rage with this truck driver because he was cutting into his lane.

Natquik: *in his Russian accent* He was half-witted wazzock with no sense of direction!

Natquik: I was having PURPOSE to yell at him!

Barnacles: Guys, don't worry! The important thing is that you're ALL here!

*Meanwhile at the petrol station a few minutes away from the restaurant*

Tracker: Hello? Guys?

Tracker: I'm back from the bathroom?

Tracker: aw nuts, where did everyone go . . . ?

Ryla: We left Tracker at the petrol station!

Octo-agents: *GROAN*

Ryla: *sigh* hand me the keys, I'll go get him.

Pearl: Ryla, you really don't have to go by yourself in the rain? I'll go with you-

Ryla: No worries Pearl. I know these Australian roads like the back of my paw. Besides, if anyone had to come with me, it would be Natquik. It was HIS fault for driving off without him in the first place.

Natquik: I-

Natquik: Yes that is true. . . .

Natquik: Let's go before the cops take us to court for child abandonment.

*Ryla throws him the car keys and they run out of the restaurant*

Everyone: . . . .

*The rest of the soaking wet Octo-agents awkwardly sit down at the large table*

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