Tracker's Crush (One-shot)

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An online chat between the octonauts helping Tracker with loveee~~ :D

Tracker: Guys. I need some advice!

Dashi: Heat up a hot water bottle and place it on your abdomen, eat dark chocolate (It's known to soothe your mood swings) I'll bring you some minties and surfboards

Tracker:  What . . . ?

Tracker: That's not what I meant  . . . and you realise I'm a . . . guy right?

Dashi: SHOOT IGNORE THAT! I thought you were Tweak :') J-just pretend that never even happened :}

Ryla: Wackadoo- XD

Tracker: Anyway sorry guys. . . this was a bad Idea. I'll probably ask someone else for relationship advice-

Dashi: WAIT WHAT!? RELATIONSHIP ADVICE?!! Tracker, you've come to the RIGHT SAUSAGE DOG!

Tracker: Uhhh

Tracker: I don't want to sound rude but, I kinda wanted to ask a guy for advice

Dashi: Pfft Nonsense

Dashi: Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean it has to be weird! Plus, I know the A-Z about romance 😏 Now gimme the scoop

Tracker: Okay. So there's this other polar bear at my advanced computing workshop that I took

Tracker: Her name's Raina. She's so beautiful, her eyes are almost sky blue . . . 

Tracker: She's smart . . .

Tracker: Sarcastic. . . 

Tracker: and mysterious

Tracker: And every time I tried to talk to her, I got tongue tied. . . 

Dashi: I see

Paani: I see

Barnacles: Paani? You're online?

Kwazii: Captain? YOU'RE ONLINE?

Paani: Kwazii YOU'RE ONLINE?!?!?

Vegimals: Cheepa CHEEPA?!

Tracker: hang on was EVERYONE online just watching our conversation?

Barnacles: Um . . . YES? I need to see how this plays out!

Inkling: I'm here too . . . . if . . . . if you wanted to know

Trackers: Thanks guys. I can ALWAYS count on you for help when I need it -_-

Kwazii: What are you waiting for!? Keep going!

Tracker: Okayy

Tracker: Over time, I managed to talk to her and she became part of our friend group!

Ryla: You got friend zoned, mate?

Tracker: No! I think . . .  I think we actually had something.

Dashi: Was there eye-staring?

Tracker: Yes!

Dashi: hair twirling?

Tracker: Maybe?

Dashi: soft-smiling?

Tracker: 100%


Tracker: That's . . . . when it went down hill . . .

Paani: Oh no, I can't watch . . .

Tracker: My friend Rover who's also in our friend group also liked her.


Inkling: And then what happened . . . ?

Tracker: One day, I saw them giggling with each other. They were making inside jokes. Turns out, he took her out on a date the night before.

Peso: Oh dear!

Dashi: Aw Tracker . . . 

Tracker: So I'm feeling really sad and rejected. . . .what do I do?

Tweak: *smashes device on the floor violently*

Tweak: You know WHAT? That guy's a JERK!

Tweak: and that GIRL'S a JERK if she doesn't see what a great guy you truly are

Paani: You're funny, smart and have a GREAT HAT :D

Tracker: But I'm not funny or smart ENOUGH. . . that's exactly why she chose him and not me :(((

Dashi: See? This is the self doubt that's stopping you from your relationships. Before you get advice on relationships, learn to love yourself, then you'll know what to do afterward.

Kwazii: Yeah! Why did you think we invited you to be an Octo-agent? Because you're that one guy who is confident enough to take that Computing class and step into action to help those in need

Ryla: You're an icon mate, you better believe it :D

Peso: That girl is going to change her mind one day. I can feel it. If not, they'll be other beautiful girls out there who'll love you for who you are :)))

Trackers: Thanks guys, I knew I can always count on you for advice😊

Barnacles: Yup. Okay good luck . . . o-or something!

*tracker has left the chat*

Tweak: Really cap? "Good luck or something"?

Barnacles: *shrugs*

Barnacles: I was just here for the ✨TEA✨

Inkling: It was so good, I think I might just skip my afternoon chai 


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