Odd hobbies

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The octonauts have many interesting hobbies and Barnacles certainly isn't the exception. We all know that our favourite Polar bear has dabbled in many different interests from playing the accordion to aerobics. However something many of you probably didn't know is that Barnacles loves to make Bonsais. shaping them and organising the visual appeal of the leaves and branches is something that Captain Barnacles really finds appealing and relaxing. The other octonauts love his works and can never figure out how they come out so perfect. 


This sea otter is usually found drowning his conscious in a book or his research and it's safe to say that his main hobby would be that. You could say he's a hoarder or you could say otherwise, but if you take a look around in his labs, you can find crazy amounts of collections. Seashells? He's got them. Rocks? Would you like obsidian or amethyst? You can always count on Shellington to have an extensive range of collections ;)


Kwazii. Oh man, where do we even begin here? He likes  finding treasure maps, finding treasure, cooking, gymnastics, singing sea-shanties, fantasising, coming up with theories on the government, martial arts, exploring, being the center of attention, table tennis. Why that's 11 hobbies right there! I probably couldn't come up with just ONE weird hobby- This guy is a complete MAD CAT and we PRAISE HIM HAHA.


Dashi has many hobbies from hosting mini fashion shows in her bedroom and diary writing + scrap-booking (yes I know, she's an angel 😫), but the most interesting and unique hobby of all would be to make jewellery using resin. She has made over fifty bangles for different occasions. She loves to use natural products such as shells, bits of seaweed and sand. Whenever they hop on land, she loves to pick flowers and natural land plants and save them for future Projects.


Tweak's most unknown hobby would be carving carrots. Scrolling through Tiktok, Tweak has always found creative and innovative videos on her feed. Some of which are carving artworks into the tip of pencils. Why not give it a go? I mean I have a pencil and a blade? Shouldn't be too hard, right? She started off okay, but she soon came to realise she might be far sighted- (HAHA WHAT) That's when she tried it on something bigger: carrots. The carvings looked AMAZING and at times, she felt bad that they will eventually decompose unless she eats it XD


Even though Peso can be seen as a realist, he doesn't shy away from looking into spiritualistic things such as horoscopes and zodiac signs. He might even find himself reading a book about them and discussing them with Dashi and Kwazii. Dashi finds it cute and finds herself asking deeper questions about them and usually talks for hours. Kwazii is a sucker for this sort of stuff and ends up researching with Peso about his Zodiac.


Professor Inkling loves to read and drink tea... but is this really all he is? Inkling loves philosophy and looking into the bigger picture. What are the possibilities? What would happen if we try this? So it's not surprising that he finds himself writing down his thoughts and ideas which came to be published pieces and bestsellers on land and under the sea. He shares this passion with Shellington and even Kwazii.

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