24~ Heaven On Earth.

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"Oh Allah! I hope for Your mercy, do not leave me even for the duration of an eye blink and correct my total conditions. Besides You, there is nothing worth of worship. Oh Allah, you have made me beautiful, make my soul beautiful too. Allahumma anta hassanta khalki fa hassin khuluki." Suhayr prayed with her hands raised in the popular praying gesture right after she finished praying Fajr feeling sated and extremely elated for some odd reasons.

Maybe because she got the sleep she's been yearning for since she arrived at the unknown country. She awoke earlier with no trace of the tartar she thought she would see and give an earful, that is really good of him to escape. She wanted to wake up early to pray, she really do so when the alarm woke her up, she switched it off and instead continue to sleep off, blame it all on the exhaustion that won't leave her system. And now it is nine in the morning, Oh Allah, please forgive me for praying so late, she thought.

Standing up and folding the praying mat, placing it back where it is supposed to be in the bedside drawer, she made her way to the bathroom. She willed her mind not to describe it till after she prays which is the reason why she only eased herself and performed ablution quickly to avoid saying those before she prays. The place is really heaven on earth so she won't want anyone to miss her description and now is the time.

She would love to explore the place but she is extremely hungry and hope for the love of God that there are maids out there waiting to serve her food or she'd go crazy. She darn hopes there is no tradition of theirs that says she needs to cook what she wants to eat 'cause that will be her last straw. She will definitely match up to the Queen's Chambers which she doesn't know where it is resided and demand that they should take that tradition off of her. They should be lucky she went through those useless ones, that is the limit of her patience.

The bathroom is themed latte and snow white, a weird but beautiful combination in the eyes. Her eyes first caught the sight of the vast flora acrylic bathtub that sat by the left side of the wall in a corner, she can't wait to have it filled with crystal water and relax her suddenly sour muscles. Just beside it is a snow white trough basin and close to it there is a fully concealed trapway toilet you would think is something else if not for her curious self opening it.

The other end of the wall just opposition the bathtub is a jaquar fusion L-shaped framed shower enclosure where she could see the water saving mist shower spray from the glass door. She's always loved those types of shower spray because it has the best way of massaging your muscles without the use of your hand, she saw it on Pinterest. Now she can't wait to use it, she feels all giddy to take a shower again. She can't decide whether to take bath or shower, they are all looking so inviting.

On the floor, there is a latte rug that has fur sticking all over it touching the wooden floor. The lights in the bathroom are fixed on the walls and ceiling, it gave it such unique glow not to forget the half wall length window that overlook the backyard or is it painted there? She can't say, it is just so gorgeous and she bet she won't leave the bathroom as soon as she starts bathing. Who would? It feels like she is already tasting her own heaven on earth.

Reluctantly, she left the bathroom to check out her husband's and her room. She also didn't want to stare at it but she had to when looking for a praying mat and who wouldn't when the vast wall length window is shining the sun rays through it?

The room has a frost white circular king sized Royal wingback bed, the linens are shadow latte in colour. There is this built in wardrobe that has six doors right by the far end of it to the right while to the left stands the vast window. In front of the bed is a chaise that matches the bed, a huge rug is spread in front of it then by the both sides of the bed. A set of sofas are right close to the built in wardrobe, two doors are beside it amongst the one she just came out from. The other leads to the closet where her clothes are currently arranged.

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