65~ Nothing Like His Car.

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"Where is the key to the parking lot?" She asked one of the guards as she walked out of the chamber albeit shielding her eyes from the scorching son with her excessively large Dior round sunglasses. She is talking like a boss, not minding whether she sounds rude or nice, it doesn't matter.

"I shall open it for you, your Highness." He bowed down and gestured for her to follow behind him to the parking lot she saw once when Sa'eed changed his jeep. The man really loves cars to have a parking lot meant just for them.

She walked inside, her jaw dropping acutely to the floor in astonishment and wonder. There are so many cars, maybe ten or even more and most of them are white. Different shades of white, black and red that has her eyes blinking hearts. The place is empty but lit up with small bulbs of chandelier illuminating orange light to make the cars look way more elegant and highly stylish. Her legs got stuck right in a painful halt, she even thought her heart dropped on the floor too. She loves cars but clearly this man loves cares more than his life, the place is exceptionally well carved to perfection.

"Where are the keys?" She finally found her voice to ask the guards surrounding the place. Her heart stopped thinking they are going to stop her from touching his things but they didn't and instead opened something for her, they respect their master's wife huh?

A small umber burnishing box is fixed on the wall by the other end of the parking lot with it's bright white light shining on it. He opened the small space that has some sort of pass code then ask her to come forward to chose whichever one she wants. She didn't even try looking for the Bugatti La Voiture Noire when her eyes are dancing with the beauty of all the cars. There are more sport cars there, few small normals ones, a Lamborghini, limousine and others. Her husband is ridiculously wealthy, she'd live a comfortable life if she stays with him.

But she can't do that!

"The keys are all here, your Highness." The guards bowed again so she strutted there and checked the Bugatti's, it's separate and it looks weird like a remote. Whoa, this thing is really looking so expensive and must mean a lot to him. She is hundred percent sure that the key itself could buy her whole outfit and half her wardrobe, it looks that wealthy.

She took the keys and made her way to the white Bugatti which she operated without any hassle then settle inside. She checked out the crimson leather seats around the car and the interior is extremely opulent. She left the car and start recording it with her phone because she won't miss the chance of showing off Sa'eed's wealth and riling him up. He won't like knowing the fact that she's launched his car behind his back when he never rolled it out of his chamber. This will surely annoy him and she wants him to feel how she felt earlier in the morning when he called the witch's name.

"Can you see this beautiful car? It is my husband's and I'm going to challenge him today by driving it to his company and see what his reaction will be. He has never used the car, I shall launch it and I hope he won't strangle me. I will make sure to take a video of his reaction, if I die, you should know who killed me." She put the phone away and entered back into the car before roaring it to life, feeling the thrill going through her veins.

An animalistic roar overtook the whole basement parking lot place and she grinned in excitement. She left the basement in a speed that would've made her heart jolt but with the smooth car, she don't feel anything but thrill surging through her blood. The car glided down the road in the most comfortable way possible and she relaxed back. The smile that stretched miles across her face didn't wipe out even as she stare at her husband's skyscraper coming into view. The mere sound of the car is taking everyone's attention so as she neared the company, more people stop to stare at what is it with this beautiful yet powerful sound.

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