63~ Mission Of Reuniting.

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"No welcome back kiss?" Sa'eed asked, keeping his briefcase on the sofa then move forward to where she is standing just a little before the dining room. He has been eager to come back home ever since he left, he can't remember the last time he felt the need to come back home leaving work pending.

His hands instantly envelope her in his arms, a wide smile stretching miles upon his face and his tired face visibly relax. She gave an uneasy smile because she is still trying to get used to this new Sa'eed and what happened earlier in the morning just started playing out in front of her again. The mere mention of his name sent her mind into the memory lane of their time together that morning, seeing him again and him asking about a welcome back kiss is taking her heart haywire. She gulped, the man will be the death of her and if he kisses her then, she sure will lie unconscious.

"We have a guest over, Mister." She tried, keyword, tried shrugging off his hands around her while looking at Shaheed from her peripheral vision as he let out a naughty confused smile his eyes shrinking with amusement at the change of show. She don't blame him, she herself is confused of her position in Sa'eed's life.

"Who is it?" He didn't turn around to see because he thought she was just making excuses to slip away from him again like always, he won't let her succeed this time around.

"Your brother. His chamber flooded and there are so many bugs there that he couldn't sleep yesterday. He will be here for a day or two." She made the gesture with her hand to where Shaheed is sitting on one of the white sofas and Sa'eed followed her line of vision then he palpably tensed in her arms. This is it, the time she has been waiting for since earlier.

"I'll be down soon after freshening up." And he took his briefcase then he is out of sight making Suhayr wonder if it will be easy to reunite them. He looks like he don't want to be in his brother's presence, like that is the last place he wants to be. If he keeps acting like this, she will go for the plan b, he won't like it at all.

"You see." Shaheed let out an uneasy breath knowing their plan and little lies might not take them anywhere and he is losing faith already in Suhayr's plans. Even though he desperately want to explain to his brother, he is also thinking about his little pride.

"He will come around, my plans never fail." She rolled her eyes and started reversing the lines she's made for Sa'eed to make him stay with them for the time being. If everything goes as she planned today, then everything will be perfect between the brothers before they know it. And she will have to add this to her small list of good deeds.

Shortly after that, Sa'eed walked down the stairs looking exceptionally handsome in a snow white woolen knitted sweater that looks an inch or two bigger than him but that is what makes him look more hot and cute at the same time. He is wearing onyx sweatpants, his hands tucked inside then another pair of new flip-flops since she is wearing the one he kept in their room, he probably noticed that she stole it now. When he reached where she is, he gave her sexy grin which his brother can't see but it stopped her heart for a second there.

He definitely visited that magician stroke sorceress.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer." And she removed her phone to take the photo only for him to laugh and shake his head. His wife never fail to amaze him, he was merely joking but she did it anyways.

"Perfect, I can use this as the cover for my next YouTube video." She beamed, showing him the perfect portrait of himself and he won't lie, he looks good cause she took a very nice view of their staircase behind and the chandeliers shown on his face. He won't mind being her cover, that will definitely help gain more subscribers, not in a narcissistic way.

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