21~ What A Traditional Shit.

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Suhayr, Urshia, Tasneem and Thuraiya are now ready waiting for the cars that should come get them just like the Queen told her. Yes, they spend more than ten minutes talking about what is going to happen and mostly are the ones that are going to happen tomorrow morning, clearly telling her she won't have much goodnight sleep the next day.

The ceremony is going to happen in the main palace's event hall meant just for events like this. Suhayr could only shake her head at the thought of what those rich folks do with money. But an event hall, seriously? Well, maybe because so much events takes place starting from coronations, naming ceremonies, weddings, birthdays and so on but still, she don't see the need of event hall in a home. Or, because this is not a home but a castle.

Do they like, rent it out to people for money? Nah, they are too rich for that.

"I totally forgot to tell you, Susu. They have brought eighteen gold coins which they call Kwororam meaning payment for asking the woman's hand in marriage like the Shehu had said. They also sent so many incense burner, I've packed some for us while the rest I give one of the maids to take to my son in-law's chamber, where you are going to start living from tomorrow. Candies, chewing gums and cola-nuts were also brought, they said we are to share it with our family and since we have none, I gave it to his family and some maids." Urshia rambled while trying to remember everything she's been told the day before.

"Woah, gold coins?" Thuraiya asked, the girl's question right from the other girls' minds, she could talk real fast.

"Yes, that is the way they pay dowry here. Quite interesting isn't it?" Urshia inclined her head with a smile, she looks beautiful which Suhayr won't stop thinking.

They got one of the maids to tie the head ties for them since it is proven to be a difficult task to do by themselves. They couldn't get the thing to sit well on their heads so after everyone of them took turns trying to do it while watching YouTube video after searching; How to tie Nigerian turban, but none of them work so they gave up and let their egos slide a little. Suhayr could only laugh at the way the thing makes noise while trying to stand upright in her heels.

Who would've thought Suhayr would be married so early? The people back in her home are definitely going to flip out after hearing what just happened to her and to think she bow her ego down to propose to a man, how shameful in their eyes. Even she can't believe she is really married and is in a castle, it feels like a whole dream she don't want to wake up from except the fact that her husband is about to hear from her for adding some stupid alarm.

The man don't know who he really is playing with. Why would he even bother waking her up if he doesn't care about his family being embarrassed? He definitely won't do that for her, it is pretty obvious that after one meeting, they always hate each other more and more and she'd like to keep it that way. There is no way she would bow down to the bulldog, that looks like a spider when walking arrogantly.

"Really interesting. What are we going to do with the gold though? I don't think we need it for anything." Suhayr stared at them questioningly while they stared right back at her with raised brow.

"It is yours not ours, Susu. I think you should keep it with yourself, you don't know when you will need it." And Urshia produced a blood red and gold jewelry bag that could make anyone jealous, so beautiful.

"Why would I need it?" Suhayr furrowed her brows while thinking hard of what she might use it for but came up with nothing, absolutely empty.

"Just keep it with you." Urshia pushed the bag into her hands so she took it with a sigh, where is she going to place it now?

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