85~ I Abhor Him So Much.

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"What happened, dear?" Her father cooed, wrapping her in his arms like any loving father would. His heart is filled with joy when she rushed to him and gave him a tight hug, he has been wanting her to do that for a long time and she did albeit crying. It tore his him into half knowing he is powerful enough to crush anyone without as much as wasting his energy but his daughter is here crying.

Whoever it is that did this, will suffer greatly.

"I hate him, father! I abhor him so much, I don't want to see him ever again in my life. He, he sent me packing because of a stupid truth behind our marriage! He is not worth it." She cried to her father's chest for so many things that went wrong in her life for the past few weeks.

She didn't even get to cry for her biological mother's death with real tears, she didn't do that then but now, she can't hold the tears. She agreed that tears and crying makes us feel more human and sated when they are let out. So much has been trapped inside her already, she can't keep them in herself anymore, she is done. People keep using her even though she doesn't let her fragile side take over her senses which means they would've used her in the worst way had she been feeble and loving. With her martial art skills and everything, people are taking advantage of her weakened self but she never thought her husband would do that.

He would crush her feeble frail heart like that. The heart she sheathed away from the world only to have it shattered as soon as it got out.

He threw her away the chance he got without waiting to listen to her explanation. Just after she thought life is getting greater and better, he hits her more than anyone has ever. That's why she hates love, it makes you weak and easy target to get strikes at and that is exactly what happened to her. She has no one to turn to but her father, Hakim betrayed her too so there is no one better than her blood. They are the only ones she could think of, not even the best friend she thought betrayed her Tasneem. It is so heart wrenching thinking about stuff like that, it makes her heart bleed profusely.

She could vividly remember what has happened in the morning after she woke up. She thought she was going to see a bed filled with roses not that she is the romantic type but she expected to see something amazing after their confession and the beautiful passionate night that followed. She couldn't believe she's confessed her love for him so easily, she thought it was going to be hard but she was proven wrong. It was so heart lightening saying that to him after keeping it for so long, she felt at ease with everything around her. But then, everything got ruined the next morning like it was just a beautiful dream.

"Why do you look so tensed?" She asked Sa'eed who is brooding inside their bedroom in nothing but his Calvin Klein boxers tempting her some more. She awoke with a robe wrapped around her and she knew he did that but seeing him pacing their room didn't sit well with her, she knew something was wrong. He doesn't have that loving smile or his casanova-ish lopsided grin.

"Why did you marry me, Suhayr?" The way he spatted her name, it was something she couldn't stomach. Something terrible is about to take place, very catastrophe.

"Because of a dare obviously, why are you asking me that question now?" Her brows furrowed in confusion, he never questioned her. What is it that happened? Is something wrong with him or is he doubting her or worse, he's found out about the truth behind their marriage? She only told her dead biological mother and... Hakim, please don't let it be.

It should not be what she is thinking.

"You are lying to me yet again. You married me for my money, isn't it? Why didn't you tell me about it? You think I won't ever find out if you lie to me and close it up? And I thought we were going to build a trusting relationship without lies webbing through. I'm so disappointed." Even though he appears to be calm, his words were like a poisonous snake's venom spreading rapidly throughout her body. There was no time to react and give it meaning, she jumped right back.

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