78~ Dilapidated To Ruins.

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If there is anything or any phase Sa'eed hated his whole life is living a life without Suhayr inside. He once thought he was going to enjoy life if she is not in his life but now, he don't know whether he is going crazy or is crazy already. Who would've thought he would miss Suhayr like mad? Once upon a time, he can't stand the sight of someone saying her name and now, he craves anything that has to do with Suhayr and even eavesdrop on his youngest sister's conversation Nafisa when she came once and talked to Suhayr's best friend and sister in his home as if they are grieving.

"Do you think she will come back here? I mean, it's been fourteen days! Two whole weeks without trace of her anywhere." Nafisa's anxious voice cut in through the air as they sat in his private living room upstairs talking. He don't understand why they need to come to his chamber to talk but he isn't complaining, they are family after all.

"I've been thinking the same too after three days. Suhayr never run away from feelings or anything for that matter, she is no coward so I'm really anxious about what is going on with her. From Egypt, she didn't come back? There is something enormous behind this!" Tasneem wringed her fingers together while shifting closer to the edge of the sofa.

She told Suhayr to think about her feelings for Sa'eed and tell him before it gets too late but she never thought Suhahr preferred running away from feelings than facing them. She said she does not want to pursue their relationship further but all Tasneem could think was, this trip to Egypt would help them shape their relationship right. She couldn't be more wrong about Suhayr yet again. In their whole life together, she never gets to understand Suhayr through and through. She unfolds herself during each step of their lives and this is just the one for their nineteen years.

The girl is hitting twenty soon and she is still not thinking about arranging her future even for the sake of her foster mother. Something terrible happened in that Egypt, she could feel it in her bones. There is no way Suhayr will run away because of petty feeling she could shelve away and enjoy the royal life she wanted. She wants to find out what but how could she do that when Suhayr is not with her and she doesn't even check out her social media accounts. She even changed her phone number and left the country probably, so what is she going to do to find out the truth? Sa'eed might not even know seeing as Suhayr is the most narrow minded person she knows living on earth.

Her YouTube channel is hitting twenty thousand subscribers already, it is moving real fast but without new contents, Tasneem don't know anymore. She's tried giving them a tour of their chamber but she was not sure if she can update it like that. She's asked Sa'eed and he agreed that she should do it, he said 'Anything for her' and she literally swooned. The guy is irrevocably in love with her best friend, it's palpable in his eyes anyway. It seems like only her best friend is blind to his feelings after all.

The bags underneath them, the hollowness deep inside his dark eyes, longing gazes around the place, aimless walks during the nights. He tend to rub the heels of his palms against his chest, she found him doing that earlier when they walked in after Nafisa invited them inside and they had to greet him as he was sitting in the living room downstairs the exact sofa Suhayr always sits on. His arms are really slack, the man's movement lack energy and zeal, it lacks the royalty and powerful moves he had before. He is like a living corpse waiting for his time to come and that is only because Suhayr isn't there to keep him on his toes all the time.

If only Suhayr is there at that time, life wouldn't be so harsh on him. He can't believe how fast he's fallen in love with her when she has never done anything good for him. She only helps in ruining his important deals, giving him the most painful headaches, taking him to jail, launching his first car before he does and then saying she regretted their beautiful night together. The love he has for her literally outshone everything bad that people are saying about her in the palace, his mother specifically who thinks the woman left him for good. He doesn't even know how she knows about her leaving him, he never told her and his grandparents won't.

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