6~ Let's Go Get Married.

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"That doesn't matter but for your information, I'm nineteen. We are going to get married right now in the mosque." She stood up with nonchalance seeing as Sa'eed stared at her as though she's hit her head somewhere and is now mentally unstable.

Not that she cared what he thinks of her at that time, no scratch that, at anytime. She needs to have her plan set in motion, she hates delaying when she feels like something is important and now her priority is getting married to this rich El-Kanemi guy.

She can't afford letting him slip off her finger, he looks as cunning and sly as she is. One wrong move from her, her plan will fall and follow the drain, that she can't afford. She needs that last name to her name as soon as possible, she doesn't care in what way. Whether legal or illegal, wholeheartedly or selfishly, she needs that royal name related to her.

Her singlehood is not her concern anymore when she is about to be one of the richest women in Chad, maybe even the top one. She ain't going to stay tied to him when she gets the amount she wants. She only want to enjoy the lavish life of being a royal and not take away the chance of going to Nigeria. She's always wanted to visit that place hearing that they have so many amazing places, she hopes they are right.

She's been living in Chad her whole life, a little exploring will do. Tasneem would want to come with her but she can't say a thing about it if she gives her that story. But then again, the girl is in love with a proud Chadian who won't leave Chad because his wife wants to explore another country. She can't even picture Hakim supporting her decision, he'd think she is crazy.

Maybe she will have to do the explorings herself, she wouldn't mind doing that. She can take photos and send it to Tasneem here, what a great way to make her friend jealous for daring her like that. Never dare the daredevil especially the one with history of never failing to have if fulfilled for her pride. The last thing she would do is let it flow down the drain.

"Wait, are you really not a patient in one of those psychiatries? Because you surely act like your brain isn't in your skull, that is if you have one." He now looks at her warily seeing her standing up, keeping the remains of her doughnut by the side.

"This is me being nice, Mr. El-Kanemi. If I unleash my beast, you won't like that side of me so just stand up and let's go before I back out from this plan." She narrowed her eyes, slurping in the remains of her caramel coffee really loudly and unladylike.

If he dare ruin her plan of marrying a rich man, she will make him pay dearly for it. And she is saying the truth, that side of hers is the nicest but when she unleashes her trouble fire side, he won't like it. She only wants them to get married first then she will make sure he never will talk back to her disrespectfully. If only he knows what she has planned for his life, she will make him her puppet. He doesn't look easy even in the eyes but she knows how to work with those people.

They are going to have to work out that attitude of his, he makes her so angry but she needs to keep her calm and let this finish first. As soon as she becomes a Mrs. El-Kanemi, she knew she's achieved a goal so all her kindness will be kept aside which is why she doesn't want the wedding to be delayed. She needs to fold the paper away, make this marriage a deal to much lavishness that is about to be poured in her life.

Good things really comes to those who wait, she's waited for such excessive extravagance.

"Stop being a bitch. It's just marriage, why are you in a hurry to get into it? Aren't girls supposed to be fan girling when they are to be married? Start planning for what to wear and how they want their first nights but you are just in a hurry to say yes. And not to forget the record you broke, you proposed to me." He heated in annoyance seeing she is really ready to go get married to him then.

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