41~ That Maladroit Moment.

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"Thank you, I will." Sa'eed stood up and rounded the chair ready to ask her to leave already but she took him by surprise when she placed her lips on his then the door opened showing none other than his wife, Suhayr with a large smile that will make any man guilty.

Suhayr's smile faltered a little and her eyes narrowed looking at the woman wrapped around her husband's arms. Even though she doesn't love him like a woman should love their husbands, she can't help feeling the jealousy taking over her. Her eyes blaze with that fire picturing all the ways she is going to yank the woman away from her husband all the while hurting her to the claws of death. She already hates the woman, hurting her won't make her feel any guilty.

She just got released from the station by Adam who proved that they were wrong all along and they found out that Sa'eed was the one who put the powder in her bag. She laughed together with Adam, the man is no more as pure as he was days ago. Him asking his brother to release her no matter the situation just touched something from within her so she thought about coming to see him for a little. The car Adam sent with her has sirens, she is surprised he didn't hear that.

Her good intention was to bring them lunch from the best restaurant in the whole state and the police given to drive her took her to a place named perfected portions master's menu. She ordered smocked chicken pasta and few other Chapman to pour down their throats after they are done. She also have it in her to annoy the living daylight out of him for the rest of the day till he gets tired of her and takes her home. She's asked the man to go back to work, that her husband will drop her off.

She can't forget the mans expression when he saw her shopping for two and she mentioned her husband. You can't blame him since just yesterday, she reported him for domestic violence and now they are having a lunch date in his office? He couldn't keep quite so the man started his words silently not wanting to make her mad.

"Uh, I don't know if I should ask this but, are you in good times with your husband now?" He continue to drive slowly whilst giving her a side glance, just to make sure he is on the safe side.

"Oh that! I don't have any problem with my husband right from the beginning. He just did something that didn't sit well with me so I thought him that lesson with makeup. My face is clear now, can't you see?" She grinned turning her face for him to see perfectly as she adjust the paper bags close to her feet.

"You send him to jail for mere misunderstanding?" He asked just to make sure where she is going with her words is where his brain too him.

"Yes, Sir and I will do it again and again." She shrugged like it was no big deal but the mam only gulped.

Not the beauty of the woman, they are more fiery than the ugly ones but he'd marry her million times even if she will send him to jail everyday. That is why even Satan sits by the side whenever a woman decided to unleash her inner beast, he just agreed with the saying now more than ever. You should really not mess with women, if they decide to turn your life into shambles, no one can stop that from happening, not even your destiny.

"You downgraded bitch, move away from my husband!" Suhayr finally pounced on the duo, Sa'eed already having seen her approaching and was quick to move away from his first wife.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" Najaah asked when she finally registered what is happening and her veil is already flying to the other direction after Suhayr's hand clmaped themselves to her neck.

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