4~ Start Of Trouble.

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She could hear the melodious sound of birds chirping outside her window, reminding her just how much of a good soul she is. She always tries to feed them each morning with water, grains and bread crumbs, she enjoys doing that all the time as it takes her mind away from so many problems. The fact that they don't leave the place till after being full makes this prodigious amount of happiness to swarm in her chest every morning.

She is doing something good for once.

That peace got shattered as soon as her sleaze phone rang from the bedside table reminding her she didn't put it on airplane mood the night before. She knew about her meeting bit she wants to delay it as much as she could to piss them off like they fucking did the day before.

"If I could do it, I would've wring their fucking necks with my bare hands. Are they so heartless that they had to wake me up at this ungodly hour? I'm going to make them pay." She grumbled into the phone taking away the plum quilt away from her body to stand up from the bed she was lying on.

Salima called to tell her again about the so called meeting with the government officials again, she needs to be open and done with this as soon as possible if she wants her sleep intact. Whatever it is they have on their plate today, she is ready to feed them right back with it.

She made her way to her bathroom to take a bath but she stared at her face in the mirror looking at how her hairs lay in disarray on her head. Those black tresses know how to wrestle on her head in the night which makes her angry just by the sight of it, dishabille. It has always been one of the many things that gets her late since they are always grappling at night. Her caps don't do anything to keep the mane tight.

There is also a drool by the corner of her mouth which she cringes at sight of. She is a heavy sleeper alright and she is also the worst bedmate seeing her legs and hands can't stay in one place. She always lie down all over the bed, each crevice of the bed will be creased and wrinkled like a boxing match took place by the time she awakens. She's prayed countless times to stop it but nothing happens so she stopped.

It is unique and so Suhayr like!

Brushing that by the side, she made her way to the shower and turn it on, not before removing her caramel silk nightgown. Her bathroom isn't the fanciest nor does it have the great amount of abundance. Like it is said, she is not the wealthiest person nor is she the most impoverished, she is just a little above being insufficient. Being in an apartment alone doesn't mean she is rich, she is just fending trying to get another source of income that brings more money to help her get a lavish life.

She loves being wealthy, so much, who doesn't want superabundance and extravagance?

Done with bathing, she wrap a rouge fluffy towel around her body. Is it weird for her to love towels more than she loves shoes? Because whenever she wraps herself around a fluffy fuzzy towel, she feels comfortable and just elated. And she also likes roaming around with towel when she takes bath, she will just feel like not removing it from her body and mingle around her home alone. One of the reasons why she wants to always stay alone in her home, just her and herself.

Rubbing some lotions to her body, she moved away from the stool to get something she can wear. She wore her all time favorite jam boot cut pants and rosewood blouse with surplice neckline, raglan sleeves. Her hair is made up in braid bun bang so it will help her wrap around a salmon coloured medium veil that she will wear. She took her jelly loafers, bucket bag and left the apartment with a slight sway to her figure.

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