15~ Salient Royal.

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They landed in Nigeria Maiduguri International Airport, Borno State around twelve in the afternoon making her wonder how many minutes they spent in the plane. She was not surprised that they have family private plane, the man is filthy rich. If it were up to her, she would take that plane and leave him be for the rest of his life. She knows not much about planes and helicopters but she sure as hell know it must be expensive since no ordinary people have it.

"The cars are there." Mu'adh said to them pointing to the left side of where they are standing and they could clearly see a convoy waiting for them. Not just normal three cars convoy, there are so many expensive onyx cars waiting for them there.

"Woah, a convoy?" Thuraiya asked Suhayr's hidden question that got stuck in her throat seeing as she can't stomach so much wealth when up until yesterday she was struggling to stand on her feet but look at this people, even their drivers look richer than she's ever been in her nineteen years old of life.

"Yes, you are standing next to important person and also a prince so a convoy is very much needed." Mu'adh explained heartily with no hint of arrogance which she can't say the same to the man already moving ahead of them, Sa'eed.

He added that gait of his that manage to get everyone's attention, a certain unique swag that none could compare to. No doubt, the man grew up in so much wealth that his arrogance kept dripping like melanin on beautiful person's face.

"You guys are so rich that it makes me want to vomit." Tasneem shook her head but you can clearly see how excited she is to be in a convoy for the first time in her life.

Maybe the foreign country isn't as bad as they thought it would be. Then again, this is just their first day there, they might as well suck it up and try acting everything is cool with new things. Who are they kidding? There must be a lot waiting for them in the palace since no book they've read of film they've watched that has no trouble in it's castle. We are talking about royals here, they are always up to some mischief. Some dangerous while other are plainly stupid and they hope it is the latter they would meet there.

Suhayr walked slowly to the black cars standing few feet away from them then she stood in front of them as if waiting for instructions which is never Suhayr-like. Who dares to stop Suhayr Imraan Khalid? But no doubt, she is slightly intimidated by how rich her husband is. It almost sounds as if he is stinky rich might she add. Isn't she taking it too far with this rich folk? He can do something dangerous to those three important people in her life but is she one to fright? No, she can fight back whoever and whenever.

No matter how influencing, she can deal with them the best way she can, Suhayr always has her way with stuff and this time will be no different. There are so many thing she can use against him, she's known him for a day but trust Suhayr on that.

"Get in the car with your husband while we get ourselves comfortable in the other cars." Mu'adh said from behind her then went ahead to take the girls to another car with himself in the passenger's side.

"Took you long enough." Sa'eed commented dryly his hands stuck with his phone while his fingers jump around the keyboards like a frog avoiding getting caught.

"Well, it's not like you welcomed me." She rolled her eyes and huffed, tucking her arms underneath her chest to look out the window at the beautiful view.

She's always loved going to places and touring around foreign countries so now that she has the opportunity to tour around Nigeria, she will take it with both hands. Having grasp such once in a lifetime favorable circumstances, the only she can do is make use of it wisely. She is not willing to live her entire life in Nigeria, she despise the place for some reasons her mother told her so she has all plans of fleeing once she is ready.

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