3~ The Daredevil Dared.

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"Lale, Hello!" Her best friend, Tasneem greeted as soon as she opened the door for her to come into their beautiful homey yet cold house painted in orange and cream. The weather is getting way too chilly for any of Suhayr's coats, she needs to get some new cheap ones.

Her best friend Tasneem Da'ood is really a beautiful lady standing five ft six, way taller than Suhayr would want but she manage to pull off that look. With her slender body shaped into rectangle upsidedown with lack of extra curves unlike Suhayr. Her curves are just the same way as her body, not much more that she would love which result to her exercising to get the body. She loves the way she is but accepted the challenge from Suhayr one blessed evening.

Right from her dark onyx long hair that is now tied in a messy ponytail, to her full brows you would swear she has it carved. Her nose isn't the perfect since the nostrils are a little more open, but it suits her. She has her father's nose some people might say, Suhayr never met the man before he died or she had without knowing. Her lips are pink, pinker than Suhayr's but really thin. All in all, her friend pulled off her looks pretty well.

All those features are packed in one circular face that refuse to get any fat.

"Lalê, Hello!" Suhayr answered with a sigh then ambled in to greet Tasneem's mother who is sitting on their cream leather couch in the living room while watching some soap opera. That reminds her of her foster mother, she loves watching those and she will be forced to sit through all the episodes, she can't stand the drama.

"Ah Susu, Inti afé, are you well?" She asked in their Arabic/French with a wide smile that always manage to comfort Suhayr even in her hardest times. It looks exactly like the ones her foster mother gives her when she complains about life being tough.

Tasneem's mother, Urshia was her foster mother's best friend so they are always together that is how her friendship with Tasneem tightened. So whenever Suhayr feels down and alone, she knows that home is where she will find her solace all the time so that is the first place that comes to her mind. Their time together in the house, be it luncheons, dinners and even picnic, girls night sleepover is there.

She could see the memories of her foster mother sitting next to her best friend on that cream couch as they talk about her wedding along with Tasneem's whenever they want to tease them. They told them that they are going to get married the same day and will live close to each other, if the groom's don't like it, then they should not get married. Tasneem and Suhayr will only laugh at their mothers' ways of thinking. They force them into the friendship because Suhayr has always been a rebel and didn't want friends. But Tasneem is no quitter like her, she forced herself in her life like a missing puzzle which Suhayr will never forget be grateful for.

Like her foster mother, Urshia didn't get married again after her husband died and decided to just take care of her two daughters, Tasneem and Thuraiya and that is what she has been doing for the past so many years. So many people will come with their marriage proposals but she turned them down like her foster mother did. She likes staying single and knows how beautiful she is and how men can't keep their thoughts to themselves that is why she prefers single hood. But she is doubting that she will stay single for much longer, she doesn't have her friend beside her anymore.

"Aná Afé, shukran! I am fine, thank you." Suhayr replied with a smile and went straight to Tasneem's room without waiting for permission. It's not like there is any crook in the house that she doesn't know of, everything is engraved in her head.

They wanted her to move in with them when her mother died but she hates been a burden and like it was said, she is wary of people even the ones closest to her. Losing her mother is enough to send her head going many miles away and losing another person will be too painful for her to endure. She's suffered being an orphan not anymore. She can't even say but the thought of losing more people isn't appealing so she hardly gets close to people.

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