28~ Let's Welcome The Reptile.

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Then a loud bang of a door hitting the wall and almost bringing it to it's knees resonated throughout the entire house rendering them motionless and puzzled. Who would hit the door like this with so much force? They all kept quite patiently waiting for whoever this person is to grace them with their presence and like Suhayr's mind gave her, her bull of a husband walked in with a stern look on his rather unfortunately gorgeous face.

Uh oh!

His mood changed terribly after learning that there really can't be divorce between him and his new bride, what is worst than that? He'd totally forgotten about that fact because he was desperate to have that school started but then, another problem had to pluck itself off. Just knowing he stays under the same roof as that arrogant woman is enough to ruin his whole mood so think about how it would feel knowing he will have to manage her like that and live with her forever. Is that even possible in his book? For he might kill her eventually due to frustration!

Well, he better get a psychiatric paper.

"Hey, man! I was waiting for you all day." Sulaiman stood up with a wide grin stretching the whole length of his rouge lips showing just how elated he is upon sighting his cousin.

"Hey, when did you arrive?" They gave each other that weird bro hug that has back hitting and all.

"Just earlier and was here with my new sister in-law the whole day. You didn't tell me you got married to such beauty." Sulaiman playfully nudged him with his shoulders making him grimace at the thought. Suhayr is no beauty, she is a demoness.

"Or rather call her by her name, demoness. It suits her better than the other one." He couldn't stop himself from saying it out loud and don't even care if Sulaiman doesn't know what they have between them is all fake for the sake of their greediness.

"Ouch, at least I am the devil's baby while you on the other hand is a Satan disguised in human form." Suhayr rolled out giving them a cheeky grin like she didn't just finish insulting him.

"Ungrateful bitch." He muttered beneath his breath trying to keep his anger at bay for the sake of her friend and his cousin. He would want to unleash his beast but that will do him no good in front of them.

"Sus, I think we should have early dinner together now. What do you say, Sulaiman?" Tasneem asked her accent really prominent when she said the Sulaiman, he stared hard trying to get if she is doing it intentionally or not, she wasn't.

"You are absolutely right! I need some juicy details from my cousin here." Sulaiman gave another wide grin feigning innocent as he touched Sa'eed's shoulder.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night. I should go and change from this horrible clothes you guys like wearing. I don't know how the marries women in my hometown even suffer with this. I feel like they intentionally ask me to get wrapped like some sidewalk meat for their entertainment." She complained pointing at the nude pink lapaya she is still wearing.

"You are no greater than that!" Sa'eed retorted and if not for Tasneem's arms drawing her back from him, she wanted to claw at his face with her so little fingers. The guy needs some serious lessons before he knows when or when not to open that gob of his.

"You should be fucking lucky I am not free in this stupid dress or you would have been on the ground begging for mercy, fucktard! And trust me, I will make you pay dearly for this..." She kept yelling till she was out of sight as she gets dragged away by Tasneem's stronger arms.

"Calm down now. Get dressed and come downstairs or I serve without you." Tasneem warned, then left the room alone without waiting for her to get dressed.

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