37~ Another Knight Brother In-law?

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"Hey, watch it!" A manly voice kvetch but Suhayr couldn't see due to the glaring sun obstructing her view but she use her hand to shadow away the sun just to see the person who had the nerve to tell her to watch it after bumping into her not so nicely. She was watching her front and don't know where he came from!

"Listen here, Mister..." She trailed off when her eyes landed on yet another man who looks exactly like her husband and his brother but this person is different, no doubt.

The man standing in front of her more like towering over her is a younger version of her husband and the brother she's met yesterday. In front of her stood a man no less than twenty five with trimmed beard that is way finer than her husband's, the guy definitely knew styles. He also looks like Juwairiyah too, the one who wanted to create problem for her, they could pass up as twins and she would agree without debate. Though the guy is finer than Juwairiyah too, he is just too handsome.

He is wearing a plain chiffon coloured short sleeved shirt that showed his taunting muscles. Whoa, do all Nigerians go to gym again? His are way sturdier than her husband's which only screams that this man in front of her lives in the gym unlike her husband whom she's never seen going there since her arrival, but who knows, the man is sneakier than a rat ready to steal. There are so many branches, meaning, veins adorning his arms visibly, yummy. Some might think it's disgusting but staring at his, she would do anything to trace them.

She move her eyes unconsciously to his chest and his tightened incredibly across his chest, she would think it was going to hurt him but he doesn't even shift in discomfort and besides, he wore it himself and would've removed it if he wasn't comfortable. Down to his washed out denim jeans, you can see those long powerful looking legs that they inherit from God know who. It seems like they are going to be of the same height with all his brothers, hmm, so tall and handsome. One zero though, he is just as fair as all his siblings and she likes them dark.

His feet are closed with the most recent black and white puma Cali fashion sneakers she's seen weeks ago in a magazine. Her lips could only stay wide because those shoes are pretty darn expensive, he already has them? She drooled on those shoes for hours trying to think what price possession she has so she can sell them off to buy them. She loves sneakers way too much, maybe more than she's ever loved her own boot cut pants and that is Suhayr saying something. Boot cut pants are her number one priority after being rich.

"Stop staring, that's rude. Who are you?" The man brought her out from her daydream of seeing those Puma goodies surrounding her feet, she will steal them. But then again, they won't fit her own smaller legs because compared to his, her own are tiny.

"No, first off, you can't bump into someone and ask them to watch it instead of apologizing. And second, I ain't gonna tell you who I am until you apologize for bumping into me and talking so rudely." She crossed her arms over her chest childishly whilst standing like a midget in front of him and she didn't even feel an ounce of intimidation.

She won't blame him for being so rude, all his siblings are rude except Adam and to top it all their mother. Whenever a mother is spoilt then the entire household will be shambolic so this is not surprising at all but she hopes she won't meet more of his rude family members, she can't take too many people's shit when she needs to start focusing on becoming rich. She can't afford to get carried away, she needs to play the ball that has been thrown to her court, the ball is now hers to throw around.

These people should thank God for their fine genes or no one would've looked at them twice after being rude. They are just too damn handsome for her and even though she don't want to admit it, Juwairiyah is also one piece of art which she would definitely have asked to model for some of her clothes for her when she starts but the woman clearly despise her and fuck it, the feeling is mutual. It's not like she needs her in her plan, she'd be many miles away then.

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