Chapter 25: Welcome to Jamaica!

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After sailing for a while, we finally docked. It was night already. Although I did my best to forget about my unborn child, I couldn't stop thinking about it. Even though I couldn't be sure if I'd had a miscarriage or just a period, I felt like a piece of my heart had been taken away. Besides torturing me about my lost child, my mind wouldn't let me forget about the possible traitor among my crew. Maybe the person didn't work at Ocean Storm, but they knew me well enough to inform the British of my whereabouts. If my own family had lied to me for years, nothing stopped others from doing the same. Who could it be? No one in my vessel appeared to be communicating with the British on the previous days... I couldn't stop worrying about that matter as I observed Kenneth and his assistants fixing the damages on our galleon. What if he was the traitor? Kenneth was too kind to be real anyway... I had no idea, but I wanted to find out the truth to end my suffering once and for all. Every time I thought I'd found joy, something got in my way. Irritating, isn't it? Getting flogged by my stepmother, discovering my uncle's plan to kill dad, almost dying after a shipwreck, working for a bloodthirsty captain, facing the Navy... countless events contributed to stopping me from having some peace of mind.

"I'm starting to think you're the one who's been acting in concert with the Navy," Dirk crossed his arms and scowled as he approached me. "How else could they have found us so easily?"

"Yeah, it was me all the time! The British injured me during the fight in Tortuga just for show. I also ordered them to destroy my own ship!" I laughed loudly and raised my brows. "What a brilliant strategy, right?"

"Laugh all you want, but I know something's wrong," Dirk narrowed his eyes and sighed. "The Navy only found me once since I became captain, now they did it twice in a row? This is insane!"

"I only ran into them once before this mess as well," I bit my lower lip while wondering how many more times my vessel would be destroyed. "I think someone from either my crew or yours has been leaking information to the British."

Dirk frowned and walked from one side to another, seemingly thinking about what I'd said. If Bosch were as paranoid as me, he wouldn't rest until he found the informant. Of course, there was still the possibility that no betrayal had taken place, but I didn't want to take any risks. If Dirk and I worked together to unmask the traitor, the chances of finding out who they were would increase.

The redhead huffed, "I can't say that's impossible. Although I trust my crew, the possibility of betrayal can't be eliminated."

"Did you just agree with me, hothead?" I smiled mischievously while getting a little closer to him. "That's unexpected coming from someone who just accused me of working with the enemy!"

"Fine! Maybe I shouldn't have accused you like that," Dirk narrowed his eyes at me. "I said maybe!"

"It's all right," I gave him a pat on the back. "I know it's not easy to trust someone who pushed you out a ship."

"I almost forgot about that..." Bosch laughed softly. "I forgave you already, so don't worry."

I chuckled and nodded. We locked eyes with each other for a moment. I wondered why Bosch didn't complain that I had patted his back. My lips curled into a shy smile. Those green eyes of his... Damn! Dirk got a little closer to me, sighing and frowning slightly. He suddenly cleared his throat as if stopping himself from doing something.

"I believe I owe you a drink since that time we met in Nassau," Dirk rubbed his neck and gulped. "Would you like to grab one with me?"

Am I going crazy, or did he just ask me out?

I raised my brows and my eyes widened. I couldn't believe the man who wanted to kill me in Tortuga had asked me for a drink. What the hell was going on? Besides, how Dirk remembered I'd invited him for a drink before he attacked me in Nassau? I cocked my head, intrigued by that situation. Bosch pressed his lips together, apparently nervous, which confused me even more.

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