Chapter 15: A bad day becomes good

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My heart raced as I looked at Laurens. I couldn't believe he was back in my life. What adventures had he experienced since we'd last seen each other? Had he suffered a lot to get where he was? I bit my lower lip as I tried to imagine what he must have gone through. After we hugged that afternoon, I realized my feelings for him had changed. When we were in Willemstad, I had a crush on Laurens, but that was no longer the case. I won't lie, the reason I ever had romantic feelings for him was that he was the first man, perhaps person, who treated me right. Although my father and Johannes weren't as bad as Hendrika, they didn't care for me as much as Laurens did. Dad... or was it his ghost? Anyway, dad just said those flattering things to me underwater due to his guilt. My brother was boring and selfish, so we weren't exactly friends. Laurens was the only one I could rely on and that made me mistake friendship for love. Deep down, I never imagined myself in a real relationship with him.

Maartje, Francis and Sven left the forecastle deck. Sven frowned and cocked his head. My cousin grinned widely, apparently remembering Laurens. Francis ran to my first friend and licked his legs excitedly.

I chuckled, "Francis seems to be fond of you!"

"We're old friends. He's a great little fella," Laurens smiled and caressed Francis's head. "Did you know he was named after the previous captain's favorite pirate? He adored Francis Drake."

"That's so awesome!" I smiled and widened my eyes. "Francis Drake is one of the most remarkable pirates in history. My uncle told me stories about him all the time."

Maartje wouldn't stop smiling as she looked at Laurens. He fixed his gaze on her and took a step closer. Sven wrinkled his nose. I considered continuing the conversation but decided to leave my cousin to say what she wanted to. Laurens never looked at a girl like that at any moment while we still lived in Willemstad.

"I don't know if you remember me, but I'm Maartje de Vries. I helped you escape that day," her eyes gleamed. "I'm Eva's cousin."

"Of course!" Laurens sighed. "How could I forget?"

Sven cleared his throat, "I'm Sven Van Hout. Eva, Maartje and I lived together in Captain de Vries' ship for eight years."

You're really subtle, aren't you, Sven?

Laurens frowned slightly, seemingly confused. My eyes widened once I realized he had no idea about what had taken place after his escape.

"Wait! Your uncle's a pirate captain? You were living in a ship this whole time?" my oldest friend raised his brows and approached me. "What happened since you helped me escape?"

"It's a long story," I looked in all directions and hoped no one would see that I was talking instead of working. "I'll tell you everything."

My two friends followed Laurens and me as we walked towards the foremast on the forecastle deck. Slowly, I described everything significant that had occurred in my life since he left the Van Acker residence. I talked about how my father died, uncle Ruben taking me with him, the new things I learned as a beginner pirate, the shipwreck... almost every detail. The only major event I left out was the truth about dad's death. Laurens gawked more than once during our conversation and nodded continuously, seemingly attentive at what I said.

"I see a lot has taken place over the years. Also, I liked the nickname your friends gave you," Laurens chuckled. "Storm... It suits you."

"My favorite part was when Eva saved my life in her first pirate attack," Sven sighed and smiled. "Pushing that annoying redhead into the ocean was pretty awesome too."

I gulped once I recalled that terrible situation. Biting my lower lip, I gazed at the floor for an instant. Although I wouldn't admit it, I hated being reminded of that moment. All the deaths I'd caused on that evening made my chest hurt, but killing the redhead was especially awful to me. He seemed intriguing and I wanted to have known him better. Besides, I knew drowning was one of the worst ways of dying even before I experienced it myself.

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