Chapter 22: Run, pirates, run!

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Although I didn't get worn out quickly, running from those annoying British men was taking all the air I had. They were speedy and I couldn't make them stop. I knew the Navy officers would never give up on chasing Dirk and me since we were their targets, but I hoped they'd at least lose sight of us. After the alley ended, we turned left and bumped into a bunch of people. Luckily, they gave us space to run. Some even stopped to observe the chase and talked in a language I didn't understand. Dirk wouldn't stop looking back while chewing on his lip. My eyes widened as the British got closer. I quickly went to a fruit stand and threw plenty of oranges on their way, just like old times. I know what you're thinking: people who sell fruits hate me... Well, you got that right. Two of the British tripped and fell. I believed the only reason they hadn't shot Bosch and I was because there were too many people on the streets. While I ran, I wondered whether my friends were worried. Were they looking for me? Honestly, I hoped they weren't since it would be much harder to find them if they had spread out.

"The way you made the officers trip was interesting..." Dirk downturned his lip corners as if he tried to hold a smile. "Quick thinking."

I chuckled and raised my brows, "A compliment? Now we're getting somewhere!"

The redhead rolled his eyes, "It was an observation, not a compliment."

I shook my head in denial, "Yeah, right."

I looked from side to side, wondering which would be the best direction to go. Sweat kept running down my back as I sped up. Bosch frowned, appearing to be surprised at what I'd done. We were running out of options, which made me breathe even faster and clench my teeth. My confidence increased as I saw that there were a lot of escape routes... who am I kidding? I had no idea what to do! The only thing that made me a little happy was that Dirk finally stopped thinking I was the enemy... at least it seemed so.

"Give up, you dirty pirates!" one of the British yelled, with an angry tone of voice.

"I'm convinced you didn't lie about your identity, but I wish I'd figured that out another way," Dirk bit his lower lip and looked back. "I didn't plan to run from the Navy tonight."

I scowled while shaking my head in denial, "You and me both, Dirk. I'll need a drink after this..."

"I said to call me Capt..." Bosch sighed and pursed his lips. "You know what? Never mind."

I smiled since there were a lot of people between the Navy officers and me. My enemies got farther away at each second. God, I couldn't wait to get rid of those British! Before I could tell Dirk about my plan, he pulled me to the right, making my eyes widen. We entered a narrow and dark street. The British appeared to have vanished. Bosch looked deep into my eyes as we faced each other. The two of us were very close due to the lack of space. My mouth was slightly open and so was his. Our cocked hats nearly collided.

Did this street have to be so narrow? Not that I'm complaining... Jesus, what's wrong with me?

"This is awkward," Dirk looked away and then back at me. "How often does the Navy chase you?"

"Honestly? Although they've been searching for me since last month, that's my first time," I sighed and tilted my head to the side. "I wonder how they knew exactly how to find me..."

Bosch knit his brows together, "Are you accusing me of something? What are you insinuating?!"

"Easy, hothead! I'm not talking about you," I laughed softly and shook my head in denial. "I just meant that there's a chance someone saw us and called the authorities."

"You have a point, but I haven't forgotten what you did!" Dirk glared at me while pressing his lips together. "After we get out of here, I don't want to see your face ever again."

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