Chapter 18: Storm versus Monster

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People shouted, sweat ran down my face, and blood dripped from my wounds. Fletcher pressed his cutlass so firmly against mine that it was smashing my right hand. I was so focused on the fight that I could barely hear the voices around me. My friends were definitely cheering for me, but there was no way to be sure about the others. Although most of the crew had a good relationship with me, I still didn't trust anyone on that ship. My main motivation to continue that duel was to end the suffering, regardless of my popularity. While Captain Monster tried to destroy me, I thought of an escape. Unfortunately, he had the upper hand, given that I was stuck. There was only one thing I could use to my advantage: he was almost worn out. After I struck my first blows, he'd spent a lot of time trying to harm me. I spared my energy even though I'd hurt him. Uncle Ruben always taught me to use the enemy's strategy against them and that's what I intended to do. As Fletcher's blade approached my neck, close to causing my own cutlass to slice my throat, I frowned. Fast as lighting, I moved left, escaping the trap as I turned my body away from his blade. His right side was completely unprotected, so I sliced my cutlass against his waist. He winced and clenched his teeth while yelling in pain.

My eyes widened, "That was way too close!"

Captain Monster took a step closer as we moved away from the mainmast. He kept wielding his sword, trying to stab every part of me. As my uncle had taught, I let him spend a bunch of sweat with attacks for a while. All I did was defend myself and attack only when I had an opening. When the captain tried to injure my waist, I dodged and opened a massive wound on his shoulder. My opponent put his free hand on his bruise, narrowing his eyes apparently due to the pain. I went for his chest, taking advantage of the distraction, but I got blocked and pushed back.

"Go, Storm! You can do it!" Maartje shouted.

Francis barked excitedly, seeming to be cheering for me.

Fletcher attempted to stab me on the stomach while baring his teeth and glaring at me with even more wrath. I put so much strength to defend myself that a horrible pain spread through my arms. My lips curled into a nervous smile. He went for my neck again, so I put my right leg backwards. The captain's blade tore the skin on my hip as I dodged. I ground my teeth, trying to forget the burning pain. Although my body begged me to stop and surrender, my heart wouldn't let me.

Laurens knit his brows, "Come on, Eva! Please don't die..."

Captain Monster must be defeated. Whatever it takes.

Sick of only defending, I went on the offensive. To not get exhausted, I didn't quickly strike a massive number of blows like the captain, but I stopped to just receive attacks. Every time he attempted to stab me or cause a wound, I attacked him back. Our swords kept clashing. Neither of us got injured for an extended amount of time, no matter how hard we tried. I pursed my lips and scowled as my cutlass broke the skin on his right arm. I didn't realize it at first, but that gave me an advantage. The arm he'd been using to move the sword was weaker than ever.

My opponent shot me an icy glare, "You should go home and cook instead of being humiliated here!"

He aimed at my chest and I pushed his weapon away with my own, almost breaking his cutlass in two.

"I'm terrible at cooking," I smiled wickedly and raised a brow. "Besides, are you sure I'm the one who's being humiliated?"

Our swords clashed again. Fletcher fought with even more will after my provocation. After five attempts, he managed to stab my left thigh, making me flinch. I took a step back before the blade could go in entirely. Pressing my lips together, I did my best to forget that my wound burned like fire. If he'd hit my bone, I would have lost the fight at that instant.

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