Chapter 26: Mr. Boredom is back

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I narrowed my eyes while observing Johannes. I didn't hate him, but the fact that he worked with the British made me dislike him even more. It wasn't enough to be the favorite son his entire life. He also had to become my enemy! God, that was a nightmare... At least my brother didn't seem to be a tough opponent. Although Johannes would probably lose if he attacked Dirk or me, I couldn't underestimate him. Only God knew how much training he'd had over the years. If I'd managed to defeat a captain and a quartermaster that were much more experienced than me, my younger brother could have achieved something similar. Besides, I'd heard Admiral Campbell was very skillful and Johannes wouldn't be easy to defeat if the former trained him well enough. Dirk breathed fast and glared at Johannes. Francis approached me and looked into my eyes as if he wanted to know what to do next, or perhaps he was just hungry. Sweat ran down my forehead as Johannes and the English kept talking. Also, I couldn't stop thinking about who the informants could be.

Dirk frowned and pursed his lips, "Why didn't you tell me your brother worked for the Navy? What else are you hiding from me?!"

"Take a deep breath, hothead! I'm not keeping any secrets!" I raised my brows. "I haven't seen Johannes in eight years! How could I possibly have known?"

Francis recoiled, seemingly scared at Dirk's anger. Bosch pressed his lips together rubbed his chin, apparently thinking of what I'd said. I sighed in relief as he didn't decide to punch me in the face.

"You have a point," my ally glanced away for an instant. "Anyway, do you think the damn traitors gave too much information to your brother and Campbell?"

I shrugged, "I don't know. It depends on how efficient the bastards are."

Bosch sighed, "Based on how easily the Navy found us, I believe the informants have been working against us for a while."

"You could be right. Besides, we'll need more allies depending on how big our problem is," I smiled flirtatiously and winked, "but I'd still prefer working only with you."

Dirk's cheeks got so red that they appeared to be part of his hair. He gazed downward, then back at me. Bosch stammered for a moment as he attempted to speak, but nothing came out. I controlled myself not to laugh. Francis licked the redhead's boots, seemingly trying to encourage him.

"That's delightful to hear. I like working with you too," Bosch downturned his head as if he wanted to hide. "We make a good team."

At that instant, Dirk got closer to me. Caught up in the moment, I did the same while slowly closing my eyes. I felt him breathing quicker. When our faces almost touched, Campbell yelled. I frowned and blinked fast as I moved away from Bosch. Dirk's mouth was slightly open and so was mine. I couldn't believe we'd almost kissed! God, that was crazy... Anyway, three more Navy men arrived. They appeared to work for the admiral. Johannes took a step back as if he feared them.

"I hope you're better than the idiots I sent after the pirates in Tortuga!" the admiral shouted, walking around the three and scowling. "Will you bring me Bosch and Van Acker this time?"

"Yes, sir!" the men shouted in unison.

"Good! If powerful pirates like them fall, the rest will fall as well," Campbell puffed out his chest as his lips curled into a cruel smirk. "Together we'll extinguish all the thieves from the seas!"

I smiled nervously, "At least the admiral complimented us..."

Johannes' eyes gleamed as he approached the British men. He grinned from ear to ear. That was the first time I'd seen my brother so thrilled. Although he seemed to like our dad's classes at the man-of-war, he'd never shown that much excitement.

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