Chapter 3: Sailing away... kind of

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One week later, I continued my sailing classes with dad. Although he taught me interesting things, Govert Van Acker was far from being the best father. In fact, dad was ridiculous. His brilliant solution to mother's violence against me was drinking rum... what a genius! I know people say alcohol helps to heal wounds; however, that doesn't work well if you drink everything! Damn it... Anyway, going to my father's lessons at the man-of-war was the only thing that made me truly happy. He offered to teach me how to fight and I had always wanted to know a couple of blows, so I couldn't say no. Besides, following dad was the best way I found to stay far from my mother and avoid more scars on my back. It would've been great if I could've taken Laurens with me... he was my best friend and almost-husband after all! I asked dad for permission, but he said slaves shouldn't learn new skills.

It was an early afternoon. I'd just had lunch. Luckily mom didn't flog me when my father said he would sail with me. What a stupid decision! He didn't need to tell her that... Well, at least she didn't stop me from going with dad. However, she had one condition: Johannes would have to go with us. Every time I tried to have some fun... guess what? My little brother was there to ruin it! Johannes was the reason why mom hated me, and I wanted to figure out why. Maybe I should've found a way to make him less adorable... reducing the size of his cheeks, perhaps? I had no idea. Anyway, I got distracted again. I was in my bedroom thinking of where to put the necklace I stole for my mom and... well, took it back since she wasn't worthy of it.

"Eva! Johannes! It's time to go!" my father shouted, apparently excited to teach us.

My eyes widened after hearing dad. I was distracted and he had startled me. After hiding the jewelry in a drawer, I ran downstairs and left home with my father and Johannes. I wore an outfit like the one I did nine days before, except that it was light green. That dress' petticoat was torn until half of my calves as well. I liked tearing petticoats because it gave me greater freedom to walk. Also, it delighted me since I enjoyed breaking the rules.

We soon arrived at the port. Dad looked from side to side, appearing to be making sure no one would notice our presence.

"Is this legal?" Johannes bit his lower lip. "I don't want to be arrested. I'm scared..."

I rolled my eyes and wanted to throw my brother in the ocean for a moment.

Why is Johannes such a bore? If he's this unpleasant as a child, I can't even imagine what he'll be like as an adult...

I frowned and laughed, "Who cares? Quit being such a chicken! Let's have some fun!"

Johannes was so by the book that sometimes I wanted to punch him. Aren't children supposed to be fun? If yes, then Johannes was an exception. Maybe his boringness was why mom preferred him.

Dad smiled, "Let's get into this boat, sailors!"

I grinned widely, "Aye, Captain Van Acker!"

The three of us boarded. I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. We walked towards the main deck, located between the forecastle and the aftercastle. The forecastle was the forward part of the ship and the aftercastle its rear. I couldn't stop looking around. The beautiful wooden decks, the Dutch flag near the fore-topsail, the three glorious masts with two white sails each... everything was amazing! I won't lie, I believe that Dutch man-of-war was my first crush. I would have definitely stolen that man-of-war if I could.

Dad grabbed his sword, "Pay attention, children! Now I'll teach you cutlass fighting. I'm going to show how to use the sword, then you'll try to imitate my moves with it."

The cutlass was a unique kind of sword. Its hilt had a solid cupped shaped guard and the blade was curved and sharpened on the cutting edge. RNN officers and men from other navies used that weapon often.

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