Chapter 31: The British can't defeat us... I hope

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Dirk and I were no longer alone in our fight against the Navy. Our fleet increased significantly two weeks after the weird encounter with Miguel and uncle Ruben. Gálvez indeed knew many pirates. The Spaniard was essential to help us find more allies to face the British. Besides sailing with four other ships, Miguel knew ten other captains that accepted our mutual protection deal. His allies knew various pirates as well. In a short amount of time, we managed to convince sixty-one pirates to join our fleet. Of course, it wasn't a lot compared to what the Navy had, but at least our chance to win had increased. Although I believed in my allies' capacity and mine to beat our enemies, I knew we weren't likely to survive a Navy massacre. I'd been training my gunners to be faster, practicing sword fighting daily, discussing strategy with my crew... and yet I wasn't sure if that would be enough. The only advantage of that frightening situation was that neither Bosch nor Gálvez had mentioned my possible miscarriage after leaving San Francisco de Campeche. Deep down, I knew it was only a matter of time until one of them did it. Thinking of a possible conversation about that subject made me nauseous.

The sun was going down and Ocean Storm had docked at the Cayman Islands a few minutes ago. As usual, we'd stay on the island for one night. After so much fighting and heartbreaks, I deserved to relax. It wasn't exactly easy to almost get killed by the Navy, meet my presumably dead uncle and Miguel on the same day, have my secret exposed and be betrayed by my best friend. Everything happened extremely fast. I felt dizzy while drinking some ale at a tavern. Also, I was so hungry that I wanted to eat a shark. Stress made me feel so weird sometimes... I wondered why a large meal was everything I needed at that moment. 

Miguel approached me, "Do you need someone to talk to, guapa?"

My eyes bulged as I saw him. I didn't expect El Dorado to show up at that moment. I was so distracted with my own thoughts that I didn't notice him coming.

"I didn't mean to scare you," Gálvez bit his lower lip. "Also, we never really discussed what your cousin mentioned in San Francisco de Campeche."

Please, anything but this. 

The Spaniard sat on my right as he observed me. I wanted to change the subject but had no idea how. I'd probably fail if I tried to make him forget that matter.

"There's nothing to talk about. The baby's gone, so you're free from the burden of being a father," I took a long sip of my ale to decrease my stress. "Besides, I intended to raise the child on my own anyway."

Gálvez scowled, "Who said it would've been a burden?"

Although I hate to admit it, I blushed. I controlled myself not to smile. Had I gone crazy, or was the Spaniard really saying he would've liked to be a father? That was the last thing I expected to hear from Miguel. He didn't seem like the family type of guy at all. Perhaps uncle Ruben was right about Gálvez genuinely caring about people... After all, he did save my uncle. I just never expected that the Spaniard would care about me.

"Do you think it's easy being a parent? Many things would have to change!" I chuckled and raised my brows. "Also, you'd be stuck with me forever."

Miguel sighed and put an arm around my back. His touch was pleasant and comforting, but definitely not the same as Dirk's. It wasn't better or worse, just warmer and less possessive. Although I enjoyed spending time with Dirk and trusted him, Gálvez made me feel protected and relaxed in ways that no one else could. Maybe uncle Ruben was right and the Spaniard had indeed fallen for me... No, that would be insane.

"I love kids," his lips curled into a sweet smile. "Besides, I wouldn't mind being stuck with you at all. You're funny, beautiful, smart... simply amazing."

Ocean Storm (Queen of Piracy Duology #1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن