Chapter 14: Waiting for a miracle

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On the next day, my friends and I spent the entire day talking. I needed a distraction, so I had to keep speaking with them to avoid going crazy. Although Maartje still appeared to be devastated, she cried significantly less on that day. Sven seemed calm, but I wasn't sure if he was relaxed or carefully planning his revenge against Isaak. My thoughts were still a mess. Maybe because of my dehydration and hunger, maybe due to the shipwreck... I could never be sure. All I knew was that I'd go insane if we didn't find land soon. It was late afternoon, so my eyes were burning even more than before. I wasn't sure if we could survive another day in the middle of the ocean. My throat was dryer than a desert and my stomach growled. Maartje observed the sea with a hand on her chin and had a stern expression. Sven laid down on the pirogue with his eyes partially open.

"From all places, did we have to end up where not a single ship passes by?" I crossed my arms and huffed. "Maybe a shark monster that spits fire lives here, that's why it's so empty..."

Maartje laughed softly and shook her head in denial, "Only you to make me laugh at a moment like this, Eva."

Sven pressed his lips together and sighed. He cleaned a drop of sweat from his forehead, seemingly worried and sad at the same time. Was my friend still thinking about finding Isaak to get his revenge? Or was he upset because of uncle Ruben's possible death? Although I wanted to ask Sven those questions, I decided to respect his privacy.

I smiled at my cousin, "I'm glad I made you happy."

"Being with you always brings me joy," Maartje downturned her head and rubbed both eyes. "I just wish we were safe at dad's vessel instead of dying of thirst."

I took a deep breath and bit my lower lip. Apparently, my cousin was still shaken due to the shipwreck and uncle Ruben's disappearance. Honestly, I was also devastated. Damn, how I wish a miracle had happened at that moment! Although my friends and I had never been angels, did we really deserve such a sad ending? It was as if my heart was stabbed every time I thought of our death. I wouldn't mind if God killed me since no one really cared about me, but He could at least spare Sven and Maartje.

I laughed nervously and nodded, "I agree. Even spending an entire day with my brother would be better than this."

The three of us laughed. I liked to make people laugh in tough situations sometimes because it was the only way to help me forget about the sadness for a while. Unfortunately, our moment of joy didn't last for long. The only sound we heard for several minutes was the ocean. After the nearly endless silence, I heard dolphins. When I say two of them jumping, I couldn't help but smile. Maartje observed them as well after drying her moist eyes.

My cousin chuckled as she looked at the animals, "At least we aren't completely alone."

"Did you know that dolphins usually show up where sharks are?" Sven raised his eyebrows as he spoke. "We're doomed now..."

I grinned sarcastically, "Always the optimistic one, aren't you, Sven?"

Someone has to take us away from this torture...

My head was spinning as I stared at the blue sky. I couldn't tell if that occurred due to my hunger or thirst. Perhaps I'd lose air until I pass out just like my father, who knew? The uncertainty brought by that terrible situation was killing me slowly.

"Please, God, I only want to see my father!" Maartje's eyes bulged and she put both hands on her head. "This is not too much to ask, is it?"

Sven pressed his lips together, "God is no longer listening to us at this point, Maartje."

My cousin briefly gazed at him and then came back to staring at the ocean without blinking. When I opened my mouth, ready to say something, my eyes widened. My lips curled into a broad grin since I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My chin trembled and I was about to break into tears of joy.

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