Chapter 35: Is this how I end?

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My distress increased while I observed White Shark being consumed by the fire. More pieces of the ship fell into the ocean as time went by. That couldn't be the end of Dirk Bosch. After everything we'd been through together, there was no way I'd lose him. He didn't deserve to suffer like that. My uncle told me once that burning to death was one of the worst ways to die. God, my head hurt just with the thought of Bosch going through something like that... At that moment, I didn't even care if I'd win the battle. Even though saving Dirk's life could ruin everything, I wouldn't stop until he was safe and sound. If I could, I would've saved every pirate in danger that day. If there's one thing I hated was seeing lives being lost. Watching my allies die was torture. Dirk was the man I loved, so his death would break me. My hands trembled as I imagined the worst. I took a deep breath since I wouldn't let my pessimism blind me. Bosch wouldn't be taken from me. No way.

"Listen up, mates!" I looked at my crew and tried to hide my desperation. "Do the same you just did with the ship we pulled closer a while ago."

I explained again what they had to do. My people appeared to understand and followed my orders, throwing the grappling hooks into the White Shark's rigging and onto its gunwales. My heartbeat stabilized as they pulled Dirk's vessel closer. I was lucky that my crew had a good memory because I forgot things often.

Be alive, please...

Francis whined, seemingly feeling my agony. I took a deep breath as I got closer to the burning vessel. Many people from White Shark were diving into the ocean. Bosch's eyes bulged as he glanced at the fire. I sighed in relief because he wasn't injured.

"Look at me, Dirk! You're safe now," I smiled sweetly at him. "Jump!"

Dirk ground his teeth and looked at the flames again. He appeared to be afraid. I wanted to caress him at that moment, but we weren't close enough. I raised and pulled my brows together as the fire spread through his vessel.

"Come on!" my eyes widened. "Get out of your ship before it bursts into flames!"

Bosch took a deep breath and jumped into Ocean Storm. I sighed in relief, glad that my man wasn't in danger anymore. I would've freaked out if I hadn't saved Dirk... God, I couldn't even think about it.

I ran to the quarterdeck, "Ashton, turn starboard before that vessel crashes into ours!"

He nodded and I went to the forecastle deck. My back was flooded with sweat since I had to be very fast. Francis followed me as always and barked, appearing to be afraid.

I turned to my cousin, "We have to increase our speed and then decrease it fast. You know what to do."

She nodded and started climbing the shrouds, "Right away, Captain!"

I took several deep breaths as I returned to the main deck. My dog ran to Dirk and licked his legs. The redhead laughed and caressed his head. Francis then did the same to Miguel and my uncle. More explosions took place, but I didn't get as affected. Dirk was alive and that's what mattered the most at that moment. I hugged him while squeezing my eyes shut. He returned the gesture and I couldn't help but smile.

"I can't believe you saved me for the third time," Dirk gazed downward and then back at me. "I don't have enough words to thank you."

"I know a good way for you to thank me," I kissed his cheek, "and it doesn't require words."

Dirk gawked and blushed. I grinned mischievously, making his cheeks get even redder. He smiled and glanced at me as if he imagined something. I won't lie, I imagined a few things myself... Yeah, Bosch and I hadn't done anything other than kiss on the previous night, but we'd definitely do more if both of us survived that crazy battle.

Ocean Storm (Queen of Piracy Duology #1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz