Chapter 21: The Caribbean is ours

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After my people and I moved to the galleon, we gave it a name: Ocean Storm. My crew liked my nickname so much that they wanted to include it in our vessel's name! Awesome, right? Our lives changed significantly once we abandoned Sea Urchin. Unfortunately, I didn't see Miguel again when my crew and I arrived in Nassau on the day after becoming captain, but I still had a great time. We didn't find a lot of difficulties to adjust to the new ship and never wasted an opportunity to have some fun. What can I say? I was a captain that liked to keep the crew entertained! There weren't parties all the time or anything like that, I just tried to make everything enjoyable. Laurens and I took care of our little pirate family much more efficiently than I expected. In less than a month, we recruited... well, captured actually, thirty more men to work for us. I wish we could've brought more with us, but they chose to fight when we captured their ships, so you know what happened. Although we decided not to have a fleet because it called too much attention, our vessel was constantly filled with precious cargo. I always divided the loot equally between the crew to keep them satisfied. Only Laurens and I got a more significant share due to our ranking. We also sold a large amount of our cargo whenever we docked somewhere. I plundered numerous ships in just a few days and couldn't believe how fine I was doing as captain. No one disrespected me because of my gender, my people worked impressively well with me in everything, our booty was enormous... God, my life was perfect! There was only one thing on my way: the Royal Navy.

Since I became famous in the Caribbean, they wouldn't stop looking for me. Unfortunately, they were much more efficient than the RNN. Despite the fear of being caught, I couldn't be happier. Piracy was my true calling and I realized that even more after becoming captain. Maartje had spoken the truth, I was born to be a pirate. Reminding myself of my success lifted my spirits as I walked on the quarterdeck. The night had come and I was ready to celebrate what my crew and I had accomplished since my election.

A broad grin formed on my lips, "We're kings of the Caribbean! I've never imagined anything like that!"

"I know, right?" Laurens shook his head in denial and laughed. "It seems like yesterday that we were only kids suffering because of Ms. Zeevalk's anger."

"Tell me about it..." I bit my lower lip and raised my brows. "I can't believe we kept this place in order and looted so many ships!"

"Yeah, it's crazy," Laurens touched the outside of our ship as if he wanted to caress it. "We've been doing an amazing job in Ocean Storm."

"I couldn't agree more!" I rubbed my chin. "We just need to find a way to deal with this problem with the British..."

Although the annoying guys looking for my vessel weren't a big issue yet, I had to find a way to make them leave me alone. It was too dangerous for a pirate, especially for a captain, to be wanted by powerful men like Royal Navy officers. I won't lie, I loved to be known as one of the most feared buccaneers ever, but I couldn't let my fame become my downfall.

Laurens pressed his lips together, "Allying ourselves to other pirates could be a solution. I've heard that many are doing that to have a better chance against the Navy."

"We could try to strike a deal with Captain Bosch. He's wanted everywhere just like us," Maartje suggested while tying a clove hitch.

I sighed, "Although I've never met Bosch, I don't think he'd accept it. Everyone says he's pretty tough to deal with."

"I agree with Storm," Laurens nodded and his eyes widened. "People say he's always angry."

"That's crazy! How can someone be mad all the time?" Maartje gawked and scowled. "I've heard Bosch's twenty-four, but now that you said that I'll imagine him as an annoying old man with a huge white beard..."

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