Chapter 25 Pt. 2

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Chapter 25 is dedicated to all my silent readers. You might not vote or comment, but the fact that you're giving my book a chance means a lot to me!

Thank you for your support ❤

Age: 24

Age: 22

Age: 17

Age: 16

Age: 13


He headed downstairs, pulling me along with him when I stayed rooted in my spot.
Five guys came up to us curiously. Ashton just looked annoyed with the whole situation.

I felt like a hobbit as they crowded around us. They were all incredibly handsome. It was like looking at six runway models.

Even with their messy hair and casual clothes, they looked more majestic than I ever hoped to. What were they feeding these guys on?

I needed the recipe… for research purposes.

One of the guys stepped forward. He was tall and had dark brown hair and striking cerulean eyes.

“Hello,” he smiled at me. “I’m Beau.”

“I’m Elizabeth,” I responded with a small wave.

The rest of the guys milled closer to us and gave Ashton probing glances. Another guy with chestnut hair and green eyes introduced himself as Jackson.

“Is this your girlfriend?” a pale guy with platinum blonde hair asked Ashton.

“Something like that,” he responded with a sigh.

I whirled around and gave him a questioning look.

“I’m Elizabeth… not Nicole. Remember?” I whispered pointedly.

“Wasn’t your girlfriend blonde and annoyi-” an Asian guy started saying, but was elbowed by Jackson.

He was visibly the youngest of all the guys. Maybe in his early teens.

Beau smiled in realization, but it quickly disappeared. “She is your betrothed? You found her?”


“Hey, that's awesome!” he grinned. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"I said unfortunately, didn’t I?” he stated, with a frown. “I’m not even sure, but I’m really hoping I’m wrong.”

“You were betrothed?” the platinum blonde asked. “I didn’t know that.”

“Well now, thanks to Beau, everyone does.”

“I’m your what?” I asked him.

He pointedly ignored me. I crossed my arms and resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

Beau flashed him a grin. “You couldn’t keep it secret forever.” He smiled at me. “I’m glad you’re okay, Elizabeth. After the incident… Anyways, it’s great now that you’re here.”

“Relax man,” Ashton groaned. “She doesn’t even know who I am.”

I turned to Ashton wondering if this was all some big prank. I shrugged and decided to play along. “Who are you exactly?”

“Just don’t freak out again, okay,” he said, looking me in the eyes.

“I’m kind of the prince.”

The Prince's Soulmate | ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon