Chapter 41

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Chapter 41 is dedicated to feridsreign

Thank you for your support ❤

The entire day, Melissa and Callie kept asking if I was okay, despite the smile that I had managed to paste on. I knew that they weren’t buying my answer, but I kept trying to sell it. It’s what I wanted to believe. I was fine.

Kevin came to sit with us today at lunch, which was both a good and bad thing. Good, because he was the only one who really knew what was going on and it felt relieving to have him there and bad, because his presence scared off Micah.

Melissa and Callie were giving Kevin hell for allowing Ashton to even breathe near me and he was trying to crack some jokes to make them feel better.

“You two are acting suspicious,” Melissa said, narrowing her eyes at us.

Kevin and I stared wide eyed at her and then blinked in unison. This peaked Callie’s interest.

“Are you sure you two aren’t dating?” she asked.

“No, no, that’s not it,” Melissa decided, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. “Kevin was spaced out the whole English class.”

“Same thing with Liz.” Callie said, poking at her salad. “Even Ashton didn’t bother her today.”

Melissa and Callie looked up at us and we both plastered on smiles at the same time.
“You told me to get some sleep, but you didn’t take your own advice,” I said, poking Kevin’s arm.

“You said you would get some sleep, but you didn’t take my advice,” Kevin said, poking my cheek.

Ashton stared at us. “Are both of you zombies? Or is there a chance that I know one of you?”

He grimaced as Kevin and I yawned in the back seat. None of us, including Kevin, trusted Kevin to drive to the palace while sleep deprived, so we carpooled with Ashton to get there.

In the meantime, Kevin and I had a complete snooze-fest in the back. Ashton was opposed to Kevin and me riding in the same place, but I refused to get in without Kevin. I realized that when I was sleepy, I was more stubborn. Ashton just sighed and complied.

Brooke was still feeling sick and the queen had taken her back to see the physician. Ashton and I stared awkwardly at each other at this sudden announcement. Kevin went to the kitchen to wolf down some food.

“So…” I trailed off.

“I’ll drive you home,” he offered.

I nodded. Since Brooke wasn’t home, what else would I do here? Maybe I could visit Micah. That didn’t sound like a bad idea.

“The guys are meeting up here,” Kevin said as he came over to us. “You should join us.”

I wasn’t eager to crash their party, but Kevin managed to talk me into it. A promised packet of gummy bears sealed the deal.

I followed them upstairs to the second floor. We passed his parents’ office, but as soon as we came close to it, Ashton quickly steered me away down the hall. We came up to another door and Kevin pushed it open, gesturing me inside. This was their main meeting room.

Suddenly, Ashton glowered. “Why didn’t you answer my text?”


“Don’t ‘huh’ me, Elizabeth. I need that bracelet.”

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