Chapter 117

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Chapter 117 is dedicated to OliviaLevine555

Thank you for your support ❤

Song: Don't Start Now by Dua Lipa


Callie's POV

I sat in my car listening to music and going over some lines in my head for the school play. I was waiting for Daniel to get here from the airport.

Dua Lipa's song Don't Start Now started playing and a frown crossed my face as I listened to the lyrics. It seemed to mirror my life exactly. Having Daniel hurt me like that three years ago and trying to move on with Demetri. The only difference was that I didn't think I'd really been able to move on from Daniel.

Even now, he was living in my head rent-free and floating across my thoughts when I felt like he shouldn't be. I felt bad for Demetri because I felt this way.

The song was starting to get to me so I quickly turned it off just before a rap sounded against the window.

I looked up to see Daniel with a huge smile on his face and butterflies fluttered dizzily around my stomach. I carefully masked my expression to a simple happy smile and got out of the car.

Daniel leaned forward hesitantly as if to hug me, but decided against it. He probably remembered that I had a boyfriend and didn't want me to feel uncomfortable. He was always so considerate.

"Hi Callie."

The way my name rolled off his tongue so beautifully ignited something inside me.

"Hey stranger," I said lightly. "How was your flight?"

"It was pretty boring since I was flying alone, but talking to you made it so much better."

I nodded and tucked a few strands of hair behind my ear.

"This is for you," he smiled as he handed me a gift bag. "Oh yeah, you said you had something to tell me?" he asked, leaning against my car.

"Oh, yeah. It's no big deal really," I said, trying to downplay my enthusiasm.

"You say that, but I can tell you're excited."

I sighed and laughed. "Are you a psychic or something? You're always reading my mind."

"Maybe it's one of my talents," he grinned. "I can only do it with you though."

"Well, I got a role in Mila O'Kaine's new movie," I said casually.

"Callie, that's amazing!" he said, leaning off the car to look at me. "Mila is like your favorite actress."

He actually remembered that. I smiled a little. "Pretty cool, huh?"

"Totally out of this world!" he said, picking me up and spinning me around in a hug. "I'm so happy for you, love!"

He grimaced and then put me down. Love. It had been three years since I was called that.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled dejectedly.

"It's fine," I said, trying to keep the mood light. "It's just been a while since I heard that."

"It's been a while since I said it," he sighed.

"Tell me," I said, leaning against the hood of my car. "Just out of curiosity, when was the last time you had a girlfriend?"

It was blunt, I know, but at the same time I wasn't going to beat around the bush with him. I had talked to him about Demetri, but he never said anything back about a girl.

"You were my first and last girlfriend." He shrugged.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "In all the three years that you were gone? What, didn't any pretty Italian girls catch your eye?"

"You're the only one in my heart, Callie. I wasn't interested in anyone else."

I looked down at my shoes and frowned. "That's not what you're supposed to say."

He was quiet for a minute. "Callie, I-"

His thoughts were interrupted by a loud commotion behind us. We turned around to see a crowd gathering where three guys were circling around another guy who was wiping his bleeding lip with a glare. On the ground beside him was a box of food that somehow hadn't gotten spilled.

The guy stooped to pick it up, but one of his harassers stepped on it, crushing the box and the food. They laughed as he slowly stood up glaring at them with animosity.

The guy closed his eyes tightly. His hands balled into tight fists as he tried to control his fury. Then, he turned and walked away, choosing not to fight.

The other three guys scowled as he ignored them and if anything his decision to choose peace only added fuel to their anger. They surrounded him again, punching and spitting, laughing at his unease.

He threw a punch at the nearest one which connected with his jaw. The guys stopped laughing as the one who had gotten hit began to shake in fury. In a moment his body quivered and his muscles expanded.
The other two 'shifted' at the same time and snarled at the guy who was seething as well.

Daniel grabbed my hand. "Let's get you out of here before things get ugly. I don't want you to get hurt."

I nodded and turned to go with him when I spotted Liz weaving through the crowd; Micah was with her.

"Wait," I gasped. Did Liz not see the four big guys facing off there? She could get hurt.

"Elizabeth!" I shouted, running towards her, but Daniel pulled me back.

"I have to stop her," I insisted, pulling away from him.

"You stay here. I'll go make sure she's okay."

I nodded and stood there in anxiety as he ran over to her. The guys had begun fighting and the three who were fighting together seemed to have the advantage over the lone guy who was still fighting back despite the continuous attacks. But before Daniel could get over to her, a dark brown blur darted in between them ferociously, breaking up the fight with his presence.

The three guys stood back with satisfied smirks as the lone guy struggled to his feet. The fight had been quick but intense. The four guys begrudgingly followed after the one with brown hair who had stopped the fight. Elizabeth was hugging Micah while Kevin held her back.

What was going on?

Daniel came back over to me and I was feeling pretty shaken up. I had never seen Origens fight before, and it was terrifying. The vicious growls and sharp, snapping teeth combined with Liz running towards them almost gave me a heart attack.

I rested my hands on my knees and leaned forward, trying to catch my breath. Daniel pulled my hair back and rubbed circles around my back. The action managed to calm me down quickly. He wrapped his arms around my shoulder and led me to the passenger seat of my car. He buckled my seatbelt and got into the driver's seat.

"I'll take you to my house. Is that okay?" he asked and I simply nodded and closed my eyes.

Hey lovelies! Thanks for reading!

Origen fight! Why do you think Elizabeth and Micah were going towards the fight?

Who is in wrong? The three guys fighting together, the guy fighting alone or all of them?

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See you in the next chapter!

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