Chapter 127

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Chapter 127 is dedicated to everyone reading this right now!

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I had ended up falling asleep too. The forest was cool and inviting. I could feel the rise and fall of Micah's chest as he breathed heavily. I didn't know how long we had been there for, but my eyes drifted open as I heard Micah growl.

Jun was standing a few feet away with his head tilted to one side as he regarded us. "You're awake," he smiled at me.

"I guess I am now," I said as I stretched. "What do you want?" I asked, surprised that he was brave enough to come here despite having a bad history with Micah.

"Everyone's busy being upset about what happened and no-one wants to train or fight with me." His lower lip jutted out in a pout.

"I don't think I can help with that either," I yawned.

Jun took something out of the bag he was carrying and Micah growled a little louder this time.

"Oh, shut up," Jun said, rolling his eyes.

He placed some clothes on the ground. I stared at him in confusion.

"These should fit." He shrugged and pointed at Micah. "Since his clothes got torn when he shifted."

I smiled at him and Jun frowned. "Don't get the wrong idea," he blurted. "I still don't like him."

"Thank you, Jun."

"It's nothing," he huffed. "His brother got attacked by rogues, right? We're even now."

He gave Micah a onceover and then left. I looked down at Micah, who was staring after Jun in confusion. I would be pretty suspicious too, if Nicole suddenly did something nice for me.

"Are you ready to go back now?" I asked gently.

Micah sighed. He looked uncertain. He got up and stomped past the clothes Jun had left. I guess it was too soon. I picked them up as Micah stepped through the trees.

We walked back to his house slowly. In a way, I guess he was dreading going back. When we got there, he stared at the house piteously. He gave a long heart wrenching cry. A call to his brother who had gone on ahead.

Micah spent the rest of the day curled up on the bed in his brother's room. He just slept. When he woke up, he cried himself back to sleep. No matter how long he slept, he always woke up feeling drained. He didn't want to eat or do anything.

I was worried about him, but I just stayed with him in the hopes that my presence could ease if even one percent of his pain. He stayed like that for three days. He only showed any sign of life when it was time for his brother's funeral.

That was arranged by the elderly neighbor. She was ashamed that she had let her anger get in the way of being with Micah during such an important time. She did this as a last favor to Armani.

"Are you going to stay curled up like that your entire life?" she shouted at Micah.

"Please be gentle with him," I said, coming into the room.

She frowned at me. "Gentle my backside! Stay out of this human mate!" She turned back to Micah. "Why don't you just curl yourself into a cocoon and stay there then?!"

Yeah, she wasn't the gentlest person around. But tough love was how she showed her affection towards them. She had known their parents and had even hoped that they would be the ones to lead them into freedom, and then they had died leaving their two sons behind. She tried to take care of them while making sure they were completely independent of her.

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