Chapter 99

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Chapter 99 is dedicated to AmyErlank

Thank you for your support ❤

How Elizabeth and Ashton met

*Eleven years ago*

Elizabeth risked a glance down. The distance to the ground looked bigger than she’d expected. If she had known that it wouldn’t have been as easy getting down from the tree as it was going up it, she’d have stayed on the ground.

Now she was stuck and to top it all off, she’d ripped her stocking. Her mum would be upset and she’d get scolded, but that was the last thing on her mind.

She sighed, wondering if anyone was going to come looking for her and thought about how she might have to live in the tree for the rest of her life.

Suddenly, a boy of about seven came around the corner. He was tired of being in the palace all day with his tutors. He wanted to explore a bit before it was time for the betrothal ceremony.

It didn’t take him long to see that the cream dress billowing in the afternoon wind did not belong to a bird, but to a small girl.

He paused for a moment, wondering what a girl was doing in a tree. None of the princesses he knew could climb a tree. Well, maybe except for his cousin Genevieve. She was the only girl he secretly thought was cool.

Elizabeth was so lost in thought, she almost didn’t hear the boy approach.

“What are you doing up there?”

She looked down with a blush, suddenly embarrassed to admit that she was stuck. She gave him a long complicated excuse about a bird.

He did not believe that, but nodded. If she wanted to stay in the tree, then he’d let her. He turned to leave.

Maybe he could find his older brother. He frowned, knowing that CaVaughn was probably training as usual. Would it kill him to have some fun with him once in a while? Whenever he saw him, his expression made it seem like he was in pain. His brother probably hated him.

“Wait!” Elizabeth shouted before he could go. She paused, then said softly, “Maybe I am a little bit stuck.”

“So you do need my help,” he smirked.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes. “Forget it.”

He grinned and went back over to where she was. “Don’t worry. I’ll help you get down.”

And he did. Somehow he’d managed to talk her through the steps of getting back down to Earth.

“Thank you,” she said.

Elizabeth glanced at her wrist and gasped. She dropped down on all fours, anxiously patting down the grass. “My bracelet… It’s gone!”

The boy watched her for a moment and then got down on the ground too. She was going to get her dress dirty if she continued doing things like this.

After a minute, he found the bracelet concealed by a few fallen leaves. “Here it is,” he said, picking it up.

Elizabeth heaved a sigh of relief, took the bracelet and put it on. He mentioned that it was way bigger than her wrist and would probably fall off again. Elizabeth explained to him that it was her mum’s and that she’d lent it to her for the day. She smiled lovingly at the bracelet.

“What’s your name?” he asked, still curious about the identity of the tree climbing girl.

“Elizabeth,” she answered with a smile. “I’m from Meryllia.”

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