Chapter 111

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Chapter 111 is dedicated to KirtikaArya

Thank you for your support ❤

The sound of my ringtone cut through the dark room, waking me up from a dream that had somehow already slipped my mind. I pressed the pillow over my ears and let out a muffled groan. Please, just five more minutes. The ringing continued and I drowsily reached over to the nightstand and felt for the phone.

“Hello?” I mumbled.

“Happy birthday!” three familiar voices shouted at me.

My eyes snapped open and I glanced at the caller ID, but it was a video call. Melissa, Callie and Kevin laughed as I scrambled to turn on the lights.

“Hi guys,” I waved sleepily.

“You’re finally an adult now!” Melissa laughed. “Welcome to the club.”

“Yeah,” Callie said, bouncing around on her bed. “But don’t forget we’re still older than you.”

I looked at the time as I tried to rub the sleep from my eyes. “It’s twelve a.m guys, technically, I’ll be turning eighteen at a two thirty-seven a.m. To get even more technical, I’ll really be eighteen in December.”

“You and your details,” Callie fanned my protests away. “Nobody keeps track of their birthday like that.”

“I need my beauty sleep,” I laughed, lying down and placing the phone on my pillow.

“Hmm,” Melissa smirked. “Beauty sleep for who?”

“I can take a guess,” Kevin chuckled.

“For her man Ashton,” Callie sang.

I blushed at that. Ashton was supposed to pick me up at eight this morning so we could go to the resort. His mom had gone ahead and made a full reservation for the day. It seemed like it would be fun and then I would spend tomorrow with my parents and have a sleepover with the girls in the night. Last night I had gone to the movies with Kevin and we went bowling after that. I got to spend three whole days with all the people I loved.

We ended up talking until the sun came up and then I got ready for the day. As soon as I opened my door, confetti rained down on me.

“Happy birthday!” my parents yelled. They engulfed me in a gigantic hug and I had to remind them to let me breathe.

“Thanks mom and dad,” I laughed as I brushed confetti out of my hair and followed them downstairs. I ate the huge breakfast that mom had whipped up and posed awkwardly for the millions of pictures that they insisted on taking.

“Ashton will be here soon,” mom hummed as she did the dishes. She turned to me with a smile. “I never thought the day would come when you would be going out on dates.”

“I was hoping the day wouldn’t come,” dad sighed. “But you’ll always be our little girl no matter what.”

Before I could respond, they continued with wide smiles. “You’ve showed us throughout the years that you are responsible and we trust you.”

Mom placed her hands over my eyes as dad led me out of the house.

“Where are we going?” I laughed.

I heard the garage door open and mom dropped her hands. I stared at the sleek red car in the garage in front of me. I looked back at my parents dumbfounded and dad nodded and placed the keys in my hand. “She’s all yours.”

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