Chapter 72

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Chapter 72 is dedicated to JesssssThomas

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"Thanks for talking to Jun today," Ashton said during the drive back to my house.

"No problem," I grinned. "I really hope Jun can get a chance to make some more friends."

He nodded in agreement.

"Hey, I have a question," I started hesitantly.

"Ask away," he said as he made a turn onto the highway.

"What is the big deal about status here?" I asked. "Why can't Omegas be friends with nobles?"

"That's just the way it's been here. It's not that they can't be friends, it's just discouraged. Some kingdoms don't really pay attention to hierarchy, but ours does."

"I'm not even from the upper class," I pointed out. "I'm from the middle class. If they can accept me, then they can accept the lower class people too."

"It's not that simple, Elizabeth. Our kingdom is founded on the principle of wealth and power. It's always been this way. People without any of those are at the bottom."

"But power and wealth aren't evenly distributed," I countered, "Besides, that was a long time ago, right? Can't it change?"

"What brought this on?" he frowned at me.

I sighed. "The lower class and the Omegas don't have any access to wealth. They're not benefiting from anything. I've met some of the Omegas and they seem like nice people. This kingdom is their home, but they feel oppressed here. They're just trying to make an honest living by working as servants. We need more equality here."

"So you want it to be that Omegas are equal to Alphas?" he asked incredulously.

"I mean the royal family would still have command over the kingdom." I thought about it. "For example, a school where principals and teachers have different levels of authorities from the students but everyone still interacts."

Ashton mulled this over while he drove. "Anyone can interact with the Omegas though. They just choose not to," he explained to me. "It is believed that the Omegas, the weakest of all the ranks, were persuaded by the humans to help them capture the Origins. That's why people don't want to associate with them even now. The problem lies in that fact."

"But that happened thousands of years ago. You can change the way things are now," I suggested.

Ashton glanced at me. "So can you," he replied softly.

I stared down at my hands. If I accepted Ashton and became the queen, I could help the kingdom become more progressive. I did feel the desire to help them.

Ashton sensed my hesitation and continued quickly. "Don't think about it too much, Elizabeth. Take your time."

I looked up at him and smiled.

"You know, my mom wanted to do the same thing," he sighed. "The kingdom where she's from doesn't care about hierarchy. They were founded on the principle of unity. Everything is shared equally in the Common Realm. There is no upper or lower class. She must have been shocked when she came here."

"I think unity makes a kingdom stronger," I agreed. "Why wasn't she able to do it?"

"You're forgetting who she's mated to," he scowled. "She's trying to make a difference, but he keeps counteracting her efforts."

I grimaced. "Your dad just keeps getting better."

"What about you?" I asked suddenly. "Wouldn't you like to see a change?"

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