Chapter 138

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Chapter 138 is dedicated to HockHayal

Thank you for your support ❤

Age: 25


I came to with a splitting headache. I groaned, clutching my head with my hands. My eyelids were like sandpaper against my pupils and opened slowly. It felt like I was stuck in a distended dream. No, an illusion seemed a better description.

Time seemed to ebb slowly as my mind tried to coordinate my movements. I blinked in the endless darkness that inundated the room and tried to shake off the grogginess that engulfed me.

I sat up with another groan and dark spots crowded my vision as I tried to control the dizziness. I finally managed to get my vision under control and peered around the pitch black room. My throat burned with a slight chemical taste. The events of the night came flooding back to me. I had been knocked out after agreeing to go with those men. Where was I?

Suddenly, there was a click and a lamp on the other side of the room came on. Beside it was a shadowy figure sitting in an armchair. I winced at the sudden brightness.

It was a man with black hair. He closed the book he was reading and looked up at me. Reading in the pitch dark. He probably wasn’t human. It somehow reminded me of a dream I'd had before...

“You’re awake.”

His voice was honeyed, perfectly modulated as if not to startle me. Was he the one who wanted to see me? My brows kitted together as he calmly observed me.

“Who are you?” I demanded, pushing myself to my feet.

Ouch! I probably shouldn't move yet. A myriad of colors and shapes spotted my vision and I had to steady myself while blinking them away. Whatever they had used to knock me out was some ridiculously strong stuff. My senses were disoriented and my head was throbbing.

He placed the book on the lamp stand and offered me a small smile.


“Malekh?” I muttered. I didn’t know him. I’d never heard of or seen this man before in my life.

“More formally, Malekh Luciano. Alpha and new ruler of the Spade Kingdom.”

I tensed as his smooth voice reached me. Alpha? That confirmed my suspicions. He was an Origen too, then. In that case, I should be careful if I was going to get out of wherever this place was.

“What do you want with me?” I frowned. “You went out of your way to bring me here. I'm not a fan of unplanned vacations.”

“Personally, I have nothing against you,” he said, getting up and coming towards me. I took a step back. I was getting a dangerous vibe from him even though he hadn’t done anything yet.

“I don’t really have anything against Ashton either.”

“You- You know Ashton?”

“He’s a childhood friend.” He smiled. Now that he was closer to me I could see his eyes. They were pitch black, expressing nothing but soulless intensity. There seemed to be no end to the depthless darkness in them. It sent a shiver down my spine, but I would not allow my fear to show around him.

“You say that Ashton’s your friend, but I was practically kidnapped to be here. You still haven’t given me a reason.”

He sighed and circled around me. “The kingdom of Crysauralia is very great. Naturally, it has made a few enemies. There are those who have a few bones to pick with the current monarch.”

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