Chapter 121

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Chapter 121 is dedicated to Abigailalexandre50

Thank you for your support ❤

Callie's POV

“Callie?” a voice asked, laced with panic.

There were hurried footsteps and someone kneeled in front of me, shaking me.


I opened my eyes, dazed, and squinted at the figure in the dark. My eyes were sore and puffy and my head felt like I had left it on spin cycle in the wash. I tried to say something, but no sound would come out. How long had I been here in the dark? What time was it?

“You’re trembling,” the worried voice said and I felt something being wrapped around my shoulders.

I felt warmer, but at the same time I didn’t remember being cold. I had probably fallen asleep.

“Can you stand?” they asked. “What happened?”

I felt myself being tugged up by strong arms. I should probably protest before I got kidnapped by this stranger.

“Let me go,” I said, shrugging them off me.

“Callie, it’s me,” the figure said, but everything looked blurry.

“It’s me, Daniel.”

Daniel? As in my Daniel? No… Daniel wasn’t my anything and he wouldn’t be here right now. I was probably still dreaming. I felt my foot slip and I wanted nothing more than to curl up and start a different dream.

“You’re burning up,” he murmured, and I felt him pick me up, bridal style and carry me off.

“No,” I murmured, but my head felt like it was being pounded with a baseball bat.

“Shh, it’s okay now,” he whispered soothingly. It was reassuring.

I still tried to twist myself free from his grasp, but it felt warm and in a few seconds everything went black.

My eyelids fluttered open as the room became illuminated with light. I groaned at the dull throbbing ache in my head. What had happened? My memories from last night came flooding back. I remembered leaving Demetri’s house and then almost getting into an accident, and then I went to the park and… My eyes shot open. I looked around the room in a panic as I sat up, throwing the sheet off me.

My clothes were gone and I was only in my underwear. I quickly grasped the sheets. Did I really get kidnapped yesterday? I held my shaking palms to my lips as I tried to stop myself from screaming. I remembered someone wrapping something around me and then that was it.

I had to get out of here, but I had no idea where I was or where the person who brought me here was. My phone. I needed my phone. I spotted the phone on the bedside table and anxiously tapped the screen, but my battery was dead.

I tried to stay calm as I threw my feet over the side of the bed. Think Callie. Yesterday was Friday, so today was probably Saturday. Most likely my parents didn’t even realize I was gone. They were always too busy partying anyways. My brothers had been picked up immediately after school and were at my grandparents for the weekend, so nobody was at home.

I looked around the room for signs of my clothes and spotted them neatly folded on a chair. I was just about to step out of the bed to get them when the door opened softly.
I shot a panicked glance at the door, but my heartbeat calmed when I saw Daniel enter the room. He was holding a tray and he closed the door with his foot. I eyed him warily as he came over to the bed.

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