Chapter 109

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Chapter 109 is dedicated to tamaraistyping

Thank you for your support ❤





Their piercing glares targeted me like arrows in the still silent hall. I sighed and excused myself from the room. My feet were killing me and they felt like I’d just run a hundred mile marathon on hot asphalt.

I wandered onto the balcony and sat on a concrete bench. After getting rid of the death trap shoes, I closed my eyes and allowed the cool breeze to wash over my face.

I stayed like that for a moment contemplating if there was something I should have done differently. Above all else, I was angry.

That guy could have had hemophilia for all we knew, but they’d sooner let him bleed out than lift a finger to help him. Omegas were people too. They didn’t deserve to be treated like social pariahs all because of something that happened thousands of years ago!

“Well, that went south.”

I whirled around to see Genevieve standing near the arches with a light smile. She sat beside me and kicked her feet in the air, nearly sending her shoes flying over the balcony wall.

“Heels suck, am I right?”

“Uh,” I cleared my throat. “I guess.”

“Let me guess,” she said, reclining against the wall. “You’re thinking about how plants are really the ones farming us and giving us oxygen until we eventually expire and turn into mulch that they can consume.”

“I think you just cracked a government secret there.”

“Was I right?”

“Not really.”

“Darn it,” she sighed. “Let me try again. You’re probably thinking about where you went wrong and what you could have done to not make everyone lose their sh*t.”

“Bingo,” I smiled despite myself.

“Well, let me tell you. You didn’t do anything wrong. What’s wrong is their messed up, outdated way of thinking.”

I glanced at her and she smiled reassuringly. “Trust me. It’s not the end of the world. You’ll survive this. You might not get invited to one of Malorie’s exclusive tea parties, but her tea sucks anyways.”

I managed to laugh at that. I definitely didn’t score any points with Malorie today, but I was willing to count my losses.

“You’re optimistic. I doubt I’ll be invited to any tea parties after this.”

“Screw tea. Martinis are where it’s at. Cheer up,” she groaned, nudging my shoulder with hers. “Believe it or not you’re not the first one to bomb a debut party. Join the club.”

I stared at her and she nodded. “I practiced everything down to the T. What I would wear, how I would walk and what I would say to my crush when I finally asked him out. And honestly, I was looking great, he definitely would have said yes. Except when I was making my big entrance, my dumb heels got caught in the carpet and I tumbled down the stairs.” She burst out laughing at the memory. “It was an absolute nightmare. I just wanted to disappear into the ground.”

“I can’t believe that actually happened,” I murmured. “You all seem so perfect.”

“Perfectly Origen. Anyone can make mistakes. I cried for days in my room and then I wiped my tears, put my big girl panties on and went on with my life. So I tripped. Big deal. I’ll probably do it again and that’s on me being perfectly imperfect,” she declared proudly. “The worst thing you can do when someone’s putting you down is to join them and beat yourself up. You need to be on your side even if no-one else is, Elizabeth. And sometimes that side’s the lonely side.”

I smiled at her. “Thanks Genevieve.”

“You can call me Gen,” she chuckled. “Genevieve is a mouthful. And if it counts for anything I’m darn proud of you for helping that waiter.”

“There you are,” Ashton rushed over to me. “Oh, you’re with Gen. I was worried when I couldn’t find you.”

“I just needed some fresh air,” I said. “And some time to clear my mind. Gen’s helped me a lot.”

“You finally do something useful for once,” he teased her and she rolled her eyes at him.

“What did you think I was going to do, seduce your betrothed and steal her away?”

“I wouldn’t put it past you.”

“Maybe I should then,” she smirked, draping an arm around my shoulder. "I've always had a thing for brunettes."

I doubled over laughing as their banter continued back and forth. Ashton and Genevieve together was comedy gold. I would never hear the end of this from Madame Lucille, but right now I was feeling much better.

I was glad I tried to help that guy. I couldn’t just stand by and watch someone who was hurt without wanting to help. That just wouldn’t be me, and I didn’t want to change myself to fit their standards.

I had an answer to the question Armani had asked me weeks ago. The kind of person who stood up for those who needed need my help. That was the kind of queen I would want to be.

Hey lovelies! Thanks for reading!

The debut might not have ended well, but Elizabeth isn't going to regret her decision. What do you think about the kind of queen she would want to be?

Would she make a good queen?

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