Chapter 98

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Chapter 98 is dedicated to jikookies_forever

Thank you for your support ❤

We made it back to the stables in a few minutes, which was still pretty fast despite Victor walking the whole way. I tried to ignore the stares of the stable hands when they saw me and Ashton returning together on the same horse.

A few of them exchanged knowing glances.

"Do they know who I am?" I asked Ashton as he helped me down from his horse.

"They don't. But they have their suspicions."

"Looks like more than suspicion to me," I sighed as one of them rushed over to us.

"Are you hurt, my lady?"

"Umm... no. I had a bit of a scare, but I'm fine," I smiled.

He nodded, bowed to Ashton and then went back to his station. He, like most of them, was an Omega.

Two more persons appeared and took charge of Midnight and Victor. Midnight looked back at me, and if horses could laugh, I would have said that was what she did. They led them back to their stalls, while Ashton showed me around the rest of the stable.

I even got to see CaVaughn's horse and Brooke's pony which was just as adorable as she was.

"I'm sorry for what happened today," Ashton began, twisting some strands of hay between his fingers. "I didn't expect Midnight to just dart off like that."

"It was my fault," I said, running my fingers across his. My skin came alive when we made contact and he moved closer to me. "I should have been more careful."

"You could have gotten hurt. Like, very hurt. It would have been bad."

"But I'm fine," I said softly. "I didn't get hurt."

"I need to do a better job of protecting you. You don't heal as quickly as I do and sometimes I forget that."

"I want you to forget. It wouldn't be fun if all you did was worry about me every second of the day."

"I know, but you're my soulmate, Elizabeth. I can't help but worry about you," he said before placing a kiss on my forehead. My eyes drifted closed and I leaned into him.

His lips found mine and he kissed me slowly and tenderly. I found myself not wanting to pull away from him, but, we had no choice.

"Your highness?" a voice called from just outside the door.

We glanced at each other and Ashton shot an annoyed look at the door.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, worriedly.

"Technically, we're not supposed to be on this side of the stables," he grinned. "It's kind of off-limits, even for me."

"You didn't think of mentioning that before?"

"I forgot," he protested.

I stared at him as the door swung open slowly.

"Hmm... I could have sworn I heard someone in here," the voice said before closing the doors again.

"Ashton!" I whisper-yelled, trying my best to hold back my laughter.

"What?" he grinned, his teeth flashed in the darkness that surrounded us. "I saved us."

I rolled my eyes as we squeezed out of the tight space in the wall, just behind the door. Ashton tried the doors and then shook his head.

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