Chapter 28

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Chapter 28 is dedicated to aeradelluhs

Thank you for your support ❤

I could tell I was lying on something fluffy, like a soft sofa. I groaned and rolled over, trying to get into to a more comfortable position. Inhaling deeply, I breathed in the fresh fragrance of lilac and smiled peacefully.

It was all a dream. I hadn't gone with Ashton to his house, hadn't met his parents and definitely had not discovered that he was the prince of Crysauralia.

"You think she's awake?" a voice asked from somewhere on my left.

I frowned slightly. Was I still dreaming? Who was in my house? There was a long pause of silence and then more voices.

I drowsily cracked an eye open to see that I was surrounded by six guys. I sat up instantly and felt myself tense as I looked around. They looked like the guys from my dream. Where was I?

I glanced around the unfamiliar room for some clue. This was not my room or my house. The realization then dawned on me that what I thought had been a fleeting dream could actually be reality.

"Well?" the boy with Asian features asked with a playful smile.

He was lounging on another couch with an amused expression. "How do you feel? I guess now you realize that we were telling you the truth after all. You went down like a rock." He put his hand to his forehead in a dramatic fainting motion.

"Yeah," Beau said. "Luckily, Ashton caught you or you would've gotten hurt."

I just sat there blinking in confusion and trying to figure out when exactly my quiet reality turned out like this. This was just too weird.

"Did your voice leave when you fainted?" the boy chuckled. "Say something."

I wanted to say something to wake myself up from this weird reality. Something that could convince me that I had the situation all wrong. But all that came out was, "But you're such a jerk!"

Ashton sneered at me and turned to Jackson.

"A jerk. She called me a jerk!"

"It's going to take her some time getting used to-"

"Be quiet, Raúl. Of course you'd have something to say," Jackson spat.

"So what if I do?" Raúl shot back. "You wanna fight?"

Low murmurs echoed throughout the room at this challenge.

"Shut up," Ashton growled in annoyance before things could escalate further and the room immediately went silent.

He seemed to be able to control everything both at school and at home. No wonder he was so arrogant.

A few of the guys groaned after it became clear that Ashton had completely broken up the fight, because they were already betting on who would have whooped whose butt.

"Remember, she is a human soulmate after all," Raúl muttered. "It's a lot for her to take in at once."

They all turned to me and Ashton.

"She's your soulmate too?" Beau asked, surprised.

"Yes," he murmured begrudgingly.

"Woah, that's such a huge coincidence!"

A chorus of whoops and cheers filled the air as all the guys descended on Ashton patting him on the back, popping his collar and congratulating him.

"That's enough," he said, pushing them off of him.

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