Chapter 94

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Chapter 94 is dedicated to NabeelaOtuoze

Thank you for your support ❤

My body froze at his sudden declaration and my blood felt like it had been replaced with ice. Those six words sent an ominous shiver down my spine. I stared at him wide eyed. He casually came to a stop by the window and glanced outside.

“It was necessary,” he added, as if that justified his murder confession.

“Allow me to elaborate. The night after the betrothal, Isabelle was supposed to remain here before going back to Meryllia. I don’t know what possessed her, but she somehow got the notion that she could take you and run away. I had been watching her carefully, because she had been severely opposed to making you the prince’s betrothed.

“After the contracts were signed, you no longer only belonged to Meryllia, but to us as well. By going against that agreement, she became an enemy of both kingdoms. I simply decided to remove the threat. She wasn’t necessary if she refused to co-operate.”

The air I tried to breathe seemed to be going everywhere except to my lungs. I was frozen in place, completely petrified. He made it sound no more casual than going out to brunch. As if her life meant nothing to him. As if she was merely a disposable pawn to him.

I couldn’t look away from him. His sharp green eyes bore into mine unapologetically.

“H-How could you?” I choked.

I balled my shaking hands in my lap and he gave me a sympathetic smile.

“It was for the greater good of Crysauralia,” he said, spreading his arms.

I sprang up from my spot beside Ashton and he was beside me in a moment, gently trying to pull me behind him but I stood my ground.

Who the hell did this man think he was?!
He was hurting everyone around him and he didn’t care. It made my blood boil, and I was absolutely livid!

I was scared too, but I was not going to back down from him. The king smiled at me, choosing to ignore my anger, which fuelled my fury even more.

“How could you?!” I yelled again.

Tears formed in my eyes again and I brushed them away angrily. I hated crying when I was angry. I wanted him to see just how enraged I was. I wouldn’t look very intimidating with tears streaming down my face.

“Why did you have to do all that?” I sniffed. “I’m just a regular girl! I have no title or anything. How could you kill someone just to get me?!”

The guilt was gnawing at my heart now. If my mother hadn’t tried to protect me from him, she wouldn’t have died like that. I felt like a part of this was my fault and it made me feel sick to my stomach.

“You’re more important than you give yourself credit for, Elizabeth,” he said slowly. “You’re my key to accomplishing my plans for Crysauralia.”

I stared at him in confusion. His key? I didn’t want to be his anything. I shuddered to imagine what kind of diabolic scheme he was plotting.

“Your marriage to Ashton will form a special bond between Crysauralia and Meryllia,” he explained. “A special treaty was forged on your betrothal, and with it we have gained some major allies. Our wealth and power has been catapulting over the years and it’s time to finally seize what is ours.”

“And what would that be?” Ashton scoffed.

“Cothe, Astar, Nappa, Gregoria, the south portion of Meryllia,” he listed. “They will come under us.”

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