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Lorenzo POV

After the event, it was late in the evening and I had nothing to do.

I decided on going for a walk around the fields.

I walked at a normal pace, looking up every know and then to see the sky to see the cloud covered night.

I frowned in disappointment, despite having seen the star filled skies for many days now.

I was dressed in some comfortable shorts and a thin t-shirt, the breeze of the Italian Night causing me to shiver ever so often.

When Lucía said she was "back home", what did she mean? I could always go to Mexico and try to find her but I have no-

My old connections. Before our gang merged with Don's mafia, I had many connections and I keep them to this day but only on the basis of business.

If one of them happened to see someone matching her description, I could ask them to inform me about it. No, but she's smarter than that. She probably had a new look for herself anyways.

Once again, the matter began to drain my energy, so I headed back inside to get some rest even if it was only for a couple hours.

I walked into the house, the cold of the floors surprising me slightly but I ignored it and kept walking.

I headed up to my room and laid in my bed, leaving a window open as I enjoyed the breeze that came in.

I closed my eyes and took deep breaths as the sounds of the night and the town around us lulled me to sleep.

The blinding light of the sun that crept into my room through the shutters awoke me and I groaned at the sight.

Despite its beautiful colour, it was irritating and made me groan in frustration.

My lack of cleanliness in my room was showing through the open blinds and the unorganised books on the shelves.

As I picked them up one by one, I hummed the familiar tune of Eres Mía. Mumbling the words incoherently, the books were placed back on the shelves and my room was looking a little cleaner.

*Incoming Call from: Unknown*

The screen on my phone flashed with the alert and I answered hastily, wondering who this was.

I waited for them to speak, a strange crackling noise coming through the speakers.

Just I was about to hang up, a voice spoke to me.

"Lorenzo?" It said, almost inaudible.

"Who's this?" I answered, my voice clear and strong.

"It's me, Nicky. Nicky Sanchez from Mexico City. Escuchar, I need some help from you down here. Since the merge of your mafia with the Italians, we've had some... financial difficulties. I know it's been a few years, but our problems are getting worse. Some street gangs are making threats and at this point in time, I can't tell whether they're empty threats or not. Por favor, I need your help. Will you come?"

"Look Nicky, I'll try my best but I can't guarantee my return to Mexico. I've got enough business to deal with here but I'll see what I can do. Is there anything else i should be aware of?"

"No, not at the moment. Muchas gracias, Lorenzo." He thanked me multiple times before hanging up.

Now that all the mess in my bedroom was cleaned and the Mexican business was taken care of, I went to my office to look through my schedule for the rest of the week seeing as I had to make time for a visit to Mexico.

"Your eyes have narrowed in thought, calendar in hand and you only stroke your beard like that when you're in deep thought. You're going somewhere."

I turned around to see Antonio narrowing his eyes at me, scrutinising me as I stood in front of him.

"How did- Never mind. Yes, it seems that Mexico's gangs have been in some financial trouble and Nicky called me to ask for my presence out there. I'm looking through my calendar to see when its best for me to go."

"Go soon, they might be in worse trouble than Nicky makes out to be. Let Javier and I deal with everything here along with Don."

"I can't do that, you know I trust you both but I'm not going to abandon my responsibilities just for Nicky and his problems. I know it's also one of my responsibilities but I have to think this through before I just pack my bags and leave."

"I see where you're coming from- do what you must, don't let my opinions cloud your judgement of the situation. Just know that you can rely on Javier and I to deal with any and all business here whilst you're gone."

I thanked him in our mother tongue and he left me in my office alone.

Grabbing any necessary clothing items, I packed them neatly into a suitcase along with important documents such as passports and IDs.

I decided to leave for Mexico tonight and let Antonio and Javier take charge of my responsibilities in Italy.

I sat and discussed it with the Don and he agreed and permitted me to leave as soon as I could.

He knew and understood the kind of work I would have to do there so he offered me a few men to take with me. I accepted and now we were all in our rooms preparing for what was to come in Mexico.

Our jet was to leave Italy around 9PM meaning it would be the early hours of the morning in Mexico when we arrived.

Once everything was packed into my bags, I took them downstairs and the other men joining me were just making their way down.

We said our goodbyes to the remainder of men and I handed the files and necessary forms that Javier and Antonio were to take control of for the next few days, depending on how long it would take me to deal with the problems.

They thanked me and wished us a safe journey before we headed out and left the house behind.

The drive to the airport was silent and I was deep in thought throughout the journey until one of the men brought me back to reality when he tapped me and told me we had arrived.

We stepped onto the jet and I went to the back room, in hopes of some privacy.

I wandered over to the mini bar and poured myself a drink. I swirled the liquid around the glass and drank it all in one go.

I sat down and enjoyed a few drinks by myself before deciding to get some sleep on the bed.

The second my head hit the pillow, I was knocked out and I fell into a deep sleep.

any questions that you want answered?

have a good week everyone :)

~ m

Siempre MíoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora